Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Wynette and all, I culled out the six dozen eggs young fowl a few days ago. Had 18 chicks from Fowlrus in texas and culled all of these because of white legs and one was colored like a wheaten. Kept one male from Ernie in Texas. One male from Maryland . Kept six female so far and they have mostly dark eyes and will try them with the old four years old male I have left. He throws good shank feathering , eye color and copper color where it is supposed to be. Will set some eggs from these once they start laying and will not wait for spring as if they do not produce will cull all of them.

I have one male and two female from the Wheaten and Bc cross and they are real mossy. They have real good shank feathering and no white feathers anywhere. I plan on some test chicks from these.

I still have the Blue male out of the White Marans ordered from north east Ohio. The male appears to want to have a semblance of some Cuckoo feathers but will have to wait and see.

Some of our fowl appear to be ok but will have to wait a while longer to see.
Originally Posted by familypendragon

OK, what are these?

Fire and Ice Splash Marans. That's a new one. Looks like a Golden Duckwing
crossed over a Red Shouldered Silver Duckwing ( both e+ based). But the
chick is obviously eWh based.
Could be a Wheaten crossed over a Red Shouldered Silver Duckwing, that might do it?
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Can anyone point me to a good resource for evaluating my current "Black Copper Maran" hen as well as the new pullet I just ordered? I am very interested in better understanding the breed and would like to educate myself on them.

Originally Posted by familypendragon

Fire and Ice Splash Marans. That's a new one. Looks like a Golden Duckwing
crossed over a Red Shouldered Silver Duckwing ( both e+ based). But the
chick is obviously eWh based.
Could be a Wheaten crossed over a Red Shouldered Silver Duckwing, that might do it?
Ever hear of 'Isabella" Marans?
Originally Posted by familypendragon

OK, what are these?

Fire and Ice Splash Marans. That's a new one. Looks like a Golden Duckwing
crossed over a Red Shouldered Silver Duckwing ( both e+ based). But the
chick is obviously eWh based.
Could be a Wheaten crossed over a Red Shouldered Silver Duckwing, that might do it?
I'd call name them Hot Mess but not Marans.... yellow legs = dead giveaway
Post a picture and will try and help you out.

Two less than stellar photos but hopefully useful. Thanks for the help!
I believe it is actually just the opposite - I remember reading that the difference in the feathering of (for example) a Barred Rock and Cuckoo Marans was that the Marans was fast feathering which broke up the barring pattern making it grow out in less even patterning - thus "cuckoo". Someone correct me if I am wrong - I am very new :) I do have a Feather legged cuckoo marans rooster I inherited and he's quite a looker (well to my untrained eye anyway, LOL!)

cuckoo is a tad different then barring. barring is best if they are slow feathering. barring is a on off gene. it literally turns the color on and off. if you look at cuckoo feathers it is not a stop and start of color. it is a white gray black then gray and white. I have not really studied it beyond that but they are differnet. I have not seen slow feathering in my cuckoo's.maybe a little slower than coppers but not like my heritage barred rocks.those poor guys don't fully feather for MONTHS AND MONTHS.

Thank you both for the explanation! I only barely remember the gist of what I had heard, so I appreciate the information. I find it really interesting that the feather growth is related to the coloring.

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