Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Ever hear of 'Isabella" Marans? 
I haven't seen a Marans that is Isabella/Isobel/Isabelle but I did recently learn about that type of coloring a little bit. It is basically the lavender gene used to dilute a patterned bird (usually) like these Isabella Leghorns and Brahmas patrijs-UK.pdf I am on a waiting list to see about purchasing some her in the US, though I don't know that I will be able to afford it, LOL! There are also Lavender Leghorns
I have 2 pens of Isabelle Marans splits growing out....about ready to lay I think....I keep looking anyway lol. they will need work to get the Isabelle look. I can't remember if the pullets even had copper...the roos copper color is not up to par. I thought they would be fun we will see. I don't know if I should work on the birds color from the splits or work on the copper after I get the lavender. like I said they are for fun.
Hi! I just wanted to show off my new BCMs. Absolutely love having these beautiful, talkative birds around. (Didn't get a good pic of the other two hens)

I have 2 pens of Isabelle Marans splits growing out....about ready to lay I think....I keep looking anyway lol. they will need work to get the Isabelle look. I can't remember if the pullets even had copper...the roos copper color is not up to par. I thought they would be fun we will see. I don't know if I should work on the birds color from the splits or work on the copper after I get the lavender. like I said they are for fun.
We need pics! :D
I haven't seen a Marans that is Isabella/Isobel/Isabelle but I did recently learn about that type of coloring a little bit. It is basically the lavender gene used to dilute a patterned bird (usually) like these Isabella Leghorns and Brahmas patrijs-UK.pdf I am on a waiting list to see about purchasing some her in the US, though I don't know that I will be able to afford it, LOL! There are also Lavender Leghorns
I only have black copper in the marans and feel that is quite enough to be working on in that breed, but I have some easter eggers I have been playing with and I may have this color in some chicks growing out. The parents are either a half or full brother and sister; I bred them trying for more of the hen's coloring, with is a soft grey back ground with a bright gold partridge pattern, because I think she is so pretty. Their parents were a lavender orp roo over an EE hen. Of five chicks hatched three are very light, gold/white down. They are only two weeks old now and their wing feathers are coming in it looks like white with a soft grey pattern, much lighter than the look of the hen I was after. The other two chicks are much darker, one is very dark, looking like are red bay or chestnut color while the other is a soft grey on the body with the head and back a darker grey, not quite black. The light colored chicks look very much like the ones pictured in the first link you gave.
I have 2 pens of Isabelle Marans splits growing out....about ready to lay I think....I keep looking anyway lol. they will need work to get the Isabelle look. I can't remember if the pullets even had copper...the roos copper color is not up to par. I thought they would be fun we will see. I don't know if I should work on the birds color from the splits or work on the copper after I get the lavender. like I said they are for fun.
We need pics! :D

right now they just look like copper Marans. they are split for lavender and don't express it yet.
One of the three BCM hens (I guess I should say pullets) has laid a couple of eggs which are a nice size pullet egg but the coloring is a light brown. Is this normal for pullets? I really love the rooster, he is a blast to watch how he treats his ladies and the way he is winning over the old original hen.
I am working on lavender marans they will not be isabel though. I have a solid black Marans paired with some lavender orp pullets and also I have a lavender orp rooster paired with an already split for lavender (visually black) Marans female.
Here is the black marans male with one of his lav orp girls. The girls just started laying last week so hopefully when I get my pen space sorted out for fall I can start hatching their eggs.

Another more recent pic of the solid black Marans male that I am using in this project. He has a really good tail set and is pretty large so they should make some nice babies.
I guess I started reading this thread late enough to miss all the ugly stuff. I am a new chicken enthusiast and am interested in Marans for all the low brow reasons. That being said I appreciate the dedication some are willing to put into improving the breed.
I have German Shepherd dogs. All of my dogs are very expensive European imports. My neighbor loves her pound puppy just as much.
I have 3 black Austalorpes, and 3 buff orpingtons, all hens. I would like to start raising Marans. My intention is to get a rooster and a few hens. Where would be a good place to purchase chicks? I'm

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