Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

That Roo will add his brown egg genes to the off spring so depending on what color your AM's lay you should get Olive colored eggs from any new pullets they produce.
Sexing young (2-5 days of age) Marans can be done quite accurately, if the breeder breeds for feather sexing traits. This is not the same as feather color sexing or autosexing breeds of birds like the Barred Rock and the Welsummer...I am talking actual feather lengths and the rate of growth of certain feathers. Feather sexing traits do not just happen overnight, it is something that takes a few generations to get it to work right. Faster and slow feathering markers are key and knowing which parent bird has which and how to breed them.
This fast/slow feathering is not meant for sexing birds that are older than a few days. After a few days their feathers start coming in rapidly and the traits bred for are harder to discern.

I have been breeding my Marans this way since I started and I am very happy with how accurately I can sex them at such a young a age.

Oh and the darker feathers coming in on your splash birds does not indicate anything about gender. These darker feathers on the splash are normal.

Thanks. Guess some are just getting dark feathers sooner. Guess I'll just have to keep waiting. *sigh* ;)
That Roo will add his brown egg genes to the off spring so depending on what color your AM's lay you should get Olive colored eggs from any new pullets they produce.
I also have a marans roo and a cream legbar, is it true that any blue egg layer put with a maran roo and visa versa will make olive eggers??
I am not an Olive egg person but yes I am pretty sure that is right. Both the Hen and Roo will add their egg color genes and you get a mix in this case olive. I f I am wrong I know someone will correct this. LOL
I am not an Olive egg person but yes I am pretty sure that is right. Both the Hen and Roo will add their egg color genes and you get a mix in this case olive. I f I am wrong I know someone will correct this. LOL

makes no difference where the blue egg genes or dark egg genes come from. I will say this about CCL....the eggs I have seen that I hatched from were not as blue. I don't think you will get good olive color from CCL....Just a thought.
Got some pictures of my Birchens let me know what you think please.










Pink you just jump in and out here lately! Looky what I have been doin' Tell me what you think. I wish Vickie would have a look too!

You have been up to stuff, haven't you?

Will comment in a moment after I study the photos a bit more. :)

Love the leg color of the male. He looks like he has a good overall stance, a tail could be a bit more open but it is a good start.....but is it the photo or does he and the pullet have some brownish fluff? Again, is it the photo or does the male not have a nice crisp clean silver? The photo of him from the top makes him look a bit goldish. Do you have a couple more photos of the pullet? She looks like a little chunker.
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Thanks for looking Kim! My roo does have a hint of cream in the saddle area but he has no brown fluff. 2 of my hens do have some brownish color in their underpants so they will probably not stay for winter as the young girls have started to lay and the color on their eggs is very good. I am over the moon thrilled at the egg color in this pen period its way dark! I have not yet hatched from this pen but have some going into lockdown next week. (from the brown skirted hens) We will see what is produced, My girls have open tails so hoping to improve with them. Overall the "barn" is not bad so we will see from the new chicks what the "paint" looks like. How are you doing with your Birchen?
6 Splash and 8 Black Copper in the brooder today. Insert Smiley face here. I have 8 additional Black Coppers in the brooder from The Fancy Chick so I"m back! Feeling very happy today. I love Marans and have so missed them these last few months and now looking forward to next spring.

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