Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Got my first BCMs!! My daughter loves them!
Hi all :) second time posting so please be gentle
Anyway, just curious if anyone can confirm
[/IMG][/IMG]that my lil man Brutus is a maran :)
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Hi all
second time posting so please be gentle

Anyway, just curious if anyone can confirm
[/URL]that my lil man Brutus is a maran
I don't think so. He looks a little gamey to be a marans. He is not a normal color, eyes are too dark and no feathered legs to be a Marans...... was that gentle enough?
Hi All,

Got these chicks that were supposed to be all BCM's but I think there are some other types...any help identifying will be great. I know they are purebreds just not sure what...

Hi All,

Got these chicks that were supposed to be all BCM's but I think there are some other types...any help identifying will be great. I know they are purebreds just not sure what...

Hi All,

Got these chicks that were supposed to be all BCM's but I think there are some other types...any help identifying will be great. I know they are purebreds just not sure what...

I can't enlarge the pics to see them. I do see some odd feathers like a d'Uccle has but I can't see anything else from those pics sorry.
Ok, here comes the group photo shoot of my 3 chipmunk chicks at 3 1/2 weeks old. Trying to find out if they are indeed Golden Salmons. They all came from eggs from a pure BCM pen. I have only seen pics of the GSM's as newborn chicks on the Aussie website, and mine looked just like that, but I have no idea what they are supposed to look like once they start feathering in. So...please chime in here, all you experienced Marans people!

Side note: taking pics of 3 babies on the couch was....interesting. The one with the most leg feathering is also the most mellow. The medium-feathered one is a little more wound up, and the one with one lone feather on each leg was a complete spaz, and also screamed bloody murder the whole time. I think it's been hanging out with my Polish chicks! LOL

Thanks in advance for your assessment/opinions! I'm new to Marans and trying to learn all I can!

Try these. I added the last one who I think is the cochin...the man I got them from had all his chicks in one bin and seemed to be not 100% sure on what he was selling me....and I might have gotten them mixed up too...

Try these. I added the last one who I think is the cochin...the man I got them from had all his chicks in one bin and seemed to be not 100% sure on what he was selling me....and I might have gotten them mixed up too...

The three in the middle are NOT Marans. I don't know on the others. Leg feathering is not right on the last one. The top one MIGHT be a Marans.... but who knows.

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