Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Nice looking roosters. I have a pen of young roosters very similar to this. At one time I had 8 FCBMs, 2 Jersey Giant, and 2 Dominique roosters in that pen at the same time and never seen so much as a single squabble between the roosters. I also own American games, Cubalayas and Silver Laced Wynadottes. The most aggressive roosters I have out all the breeds are the Wynadottes. Even the game roosters get along better then the wynadottes do. Go figure!

Thank you kindly! It has been a journey even getting this far. lol

It is really nice hearing about your cockerels getting along well too. Would never have suspected that Wynadottes have such strong fighting urges!

People always look shocked when we explain the males being housed together. "Aren't they going to kill each other?" some say. Some people have said everything will be fine housing them together until one day, one bird is lying nearly dead in the corner... After a year, we haven't seen more than a few pecks to combs. But monitor them anyway. If they have enough room, and places for smaller birds to retreat just seems to be less of an issue. If later we have to split them up we will, but they seem content enough for the time being.

Your welcome! And thank you.
Ok going to try and hatch some maran eggs again since my last hatch of 7 eggs only produced 2 roos and 1 has sprigs. I think I am going to try a dry hatch this time. Has anyone tried a dry hatch? Any advice?
Ok going to try and hatch some maran eggs again since my last hatch of 7 eggs only produced 2 roos and 1 has sprigs. I think I am going to try a dry hatch this time. Has anyone tried a dry hatch? Any advice?
Some have good results with this. I hatch normal - 45 - 55% humidity first 18 days then bump up to 55% - 65% for hatch (last 3 days) right alongside my other breeds, New Hampshires and Delawares and have equally good hatches.

IMO so much more depends on the health/nutrition/age/environment/Cock to Hen ratio and how long and how eggs are stored during collection of the breeders eggs. I don't have quite as good hatches from my pullets, usually around 70 - 80% but often 90-100% from my hens. Shipped eggs rarely hatch as well as eggs from your own birds or eggs you drove to pick up.

Edited to add more info: Also I follow this advice once given to me..... If eggs are hand turned hatch on their sides (like a broody). If they are turned in an auto turner, hatch in egg cartons standing up. Just makes sense to me, it is the position the embryos are used to so makes for a more sucessfull hatch.
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Some have good results with this. I hatch normal - 45 - 55% humidity first 18 days then bump up to 55% - 65% for hatch (last 3 days) right alongside my other breeds, New Hampshires and Delawares and have equally good hatches.

IMO so much more depends on the health/nutrition/age/environment/Cock to Hen ratio and how long and how eggs are stored during collection of the breeders eggs. I don't have quite as good hatches from my pullets, usually around 70 - 80% but often 90-100% from my hens. Shipped eggs rarely hatch as well as eggs from your own birds or eggs you drove to pick up.

Edited to add more info: Also I follow this advice once given to me..... If eggs are hand turned hatch on their sides (like a broody). If they are turned in an auto turner, hatch in egg cartons standing up. Just makes sense to me, it is the position the embryos are used to so makes for a more sucessfull hatch.

I have hatched the normal way and have had good results, but when it came to the maran eggs, it was a disappointment. So I started searching and found that I wasn't the only one having low hatch rates with maran eggs. So I found this thread here on BYC's and I think I am going to try it.
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My first incubator hatch, I did it the normal way with humidity at 45-55 at first then bumped it up the last couple days. I used an auto turner and then laid them on their sides to hatch. They were shipped eggs and 12 out of 14 Marans hatched. One right after another right on time lol. I'm reluctant to try a dry hatch. I have about 6 in the bator now, running the regular way again except these are from my own flock. I'm curious to see if my first hatch was beginners luck or not.
My first incubator hatch, I did it the normal way with humidity at 45-55 at first then bumped it up the last couple days. I used an auto turner and then laid them on their sides to hatch. They were shipped eggs and 12 out of 14 Marans hatched. One right after another right on time lol. I'm reluctant to try a dry hatch. I have about 6 in the bator now, running the regular way again except these are from my own flock. I'm curious to see if my first hatch was beginners luck or not.

my dark thick penedesenca eggs hatch well at 30-35% with 65% lockdown
My first incubator hatch, I did it the normal way with humidity at 45-55 at first then bumped it up the last couple days. I used an auto turner and then laid them on their sides to hatch. They were shipped eggs and 12 out of 14 Marans hatched. One right after another right on time lol. I'm reluctant to try a dry hatch. I have about 6 in the bator now, running the regular way again except these are from my own flock. I'm curious to see if my first hatch was beginners luck or not.

If it was beginners luck, I need some! I am hoping it will go better this time around and congrats on a great hatch!

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