Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

I'm going to repeat the question posted before the derailment: What color(s) other than blue copper are possible with a splash copper Marans over BCM hens? To my knowledge, there is only one option and I'm always glad to learn.

Will try and explain what I have observed on my farm over the years. The only way the Genetic Formulas will work is if you have a real close bred line of fowl regardless of the breed. In the past 7-8 years I have made many experimental breedings with Marans and used the single mating method. I try and start out any breed with the single mating method. A lot more work but you will know what every chick is out of as long as you toe punch. Toe Punch chart is on my Profile page.

Any time you ad the copper into the equation it will change the ball game entirely, by this I mean Black Copper, Blue Copper and the Splash from these two colors. For breeding purposes the slash here are different that the BBS. Once you put the Copper in the Mix it will change the look of the chicks at any time.

OK on to what colors I have seen from the Splash Male and Black Copper female I have seen male chicks that are Black with very little copper, I have also seen chicks develop Splash with light Copper coloring.

I will agree that the Splash Male over Black Copper females is the way to breed when you want off spring with good Copper color. You must also have the TYPE already in place if you want anything worth feeding. There are so many possibilities with color here that you just have to be able to cull real deep.

Do not know for sure but think you might have some Gamefowl experience in the past. If you do use that knowledge here. Over and out, Don
Saying that all chicks from the Splash to BC will be blue just does not account for all the mismarked fowl that show up. Any time we are breeding Parti colored fowl we will get an abundance of off colored fowl that some can be used as breeders and very few SOP quality fowl and a lot of freezer fowl. Don
I got 2 splash marans last week. One appears to have a bald leg. It looks like the feathers were picked out as I can still see part of the feather stem.

I know nothing about this breed. Is this something they do to themselves? Could it have been a response to the stress of being shipped across the country?

Additionally, I have one maran that will just cuddle with my son and fall asleep ... is that normal behavior? I thought that maybe she was sick, at first, but she is seemingly fine. Did I just luck out with a real sweethart? They were not handled much at the breeders.

Is there anything that I need to be particularly vigilant of?

I got 2 splash marans last week. One appears to have a bald leg. It looks like the feathers were picked out as I can still see part of the feather stem.

I know nothing about this breed. Is this something they do to themselves? Could it have been a response to the stress of being shipped across the country?

Additionally, I have one maran that will just cuddle with my son and fall asleep ... is that normal behavior? I thought that maybe she was sick, at first, but she is seemingly fine. Did I just luck out with a real sweethart? They were not handled much at the breeders.

Is there anything that I need to be particularly vigilant of?


The clean leg is something that will show up occasionally with the French Marans. If this is a female and you want to breed toward the APA SOP it will work out in a couple of year. Do not use a Male with clean Leggs though. The Marans do tend to be quite gentle especially the female.

Why no take a couple of pictures so we can take a look. Don
The clean leg is something that will show up occasionally with the French Marans. If this is a female and you want to breed toward the APA SOP it will work out in a couple of year. Do not use a Male with clean Leggs though. The Marans do tend to be quite gentle especially the female.

Why no take a couple of pictures so we can take a look. Don

Here are a couple pictures of Freckles, the maran with the weird leg:





I included a picture of the eyes because I am not sure if that looks normal either
It looks like one of my marans is missing its tail. I am attaching pictures. I would be interested in what you guys think about the way she looks vs. the breed standard. She has the best personality, but I have felt disappointed with the quality of the birds from the breeder. I am not planning to show, I just want to know how far off she is.


It looks like one of my marans is missing its tail. I am attaching pictures. I would be interested in what you guys think about the way she looks vs. the breed standard. She has the best personality, but I have felt disappointed with the quality of the birds from the breeder. I am not planning to show, I just want to know how far off she is.

Rumpless mutation looks like the entire backend just suddenly drops off, which is not what I'm seeing on this bird, especially on the first photo. She may just take a while to grow in a tail. A photo directly from the side standing in a normal position would be helpful...the third photo is at an angle that makes it look *almost* rumpless, but hard to say.

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