Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

The problem is not the breed, but trying to integrate birds of such widely different age groups. Also, if your Marans are broody, they may see the new birds as threats. I would advise not to put young 2 month old chicks in with older birds regardless of breed as you are looking for trouble. You might try setting up a somewhat temporary pen within a pen, or a smaller pen in your big yard to put the younger ones in. Such that the older ones can see them and get used to their presence but can't get at them to hurt them. Make an entrance that the little ones can fit through but the bigger ones cannot, so after some time has passed (can't tell you how much time is needed but thinking weeks here) and you think you want to try integrating them, the young ones can seek safety from the older ones. This may or may not work but you could try. I just don't put younger birds in with older ones period until they are old and big enough to fend for themselves. I don't keep bantams, but I would think they should be kept separate. Some people are able to keep birds of all sizes together if there is a lot of space and a lot of stuff in the yard where they can hide, jump up high on, or in some way escape bullies. Then too, sometimes there is a bird that just picks on all the rest.

What great advise. Kern
Thank you everyone for all your help! While Ivan is a beautiful roo, he is a roo nonetheless and must be rehomed! :(. I have a silkie roo who is great with my girls so I want to leave well enough alone! My Dusty roo is special needs, he almost died of wry neck as a 3 week old baby so I can't part with him or there would be no roo at all. So sad to have to part with Ivan as he is a beautiful and sweet bird. As is the case with all my flock family, I am very bonded to him and will break my heart to say goodbye. :'(
My Copper Marans, which are the oldest (2yrs) of my flock, have killed two of the four new chicks I have brought into the coop this Spring. I have year old, Ameracaunas, an Orpington and a couple of bantys. Also a Banty Rooster. My new girls were Brahma bantys and after the one was pecked to death, I brought in two 6week old Orpington chicks to keep the Barahma company, I came out to find one of the Orpingtons pecked to death, in the inner yard, which was only accessed by two broody Marans from the coop. I feel awful and don't know whether I should let the 2 month old chicks roam in the big yard with the flock or what. PleaseHelp. Im ready to get rid of the Marans, as they seem like bullys.
Good suggestions on this thread so far. We have not experienced any bullying with our Marans flocks at all. Even when in with the general layer flock (Marans cock in there too) they are fine with birds as small as light Polish. I don't tolerate broody hens though, they always go in a broody breaker cage until they have seen the light.
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What is a broody breaker box?
For me, it is a bird cage. If you don't want a hen to sit on eggs, you have to break them. I put a broody in a wire bottom bird cage, set on 8 inch blocks. This gets them off the gound, and the wire bottom lets air get under them, cooling them down. Usually 2 days in the cage will break them, and I've never had to do more than 3. I use this technique to break broodies in my layers-only pen
For me, it is a bird cage. If you don't want a hen to sit on eggs, you have to break them. I put a broody in a wire bottom bird cage, set on 8 inch blocks. This gets them off the gound, and the wire bottom lets air get under them, cooling them down. Usually 2 days in the cage will break them, and I've never had to do more than 3. I use this technique to break broodies in my layers-only pen

Thanks for that info. I am sure I will need that info in the future. Kern
Thanks for that info. I am sure I will need that info in the future. Kern
I wish I could take credit for it, but I learned it here on BYC, and it works great. I have a climate controlled garage, and I keep the cage in there, dimly lit. I only provide water the first day, then food and water after that
Any thoughts on this bird??? Cuckoo Maran? Pullet?? I took this pic a few weeks ago and since then her legs have turned yellow...

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