Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

anyone else had dismal success with shipped fw maran eggs?

I've had both ways. One person sent me a dozen, and I hatched every one of them (only got 3 ladies though). Another person sent me 6 and only 1 hatched. They felt bad and sent me 6 more and again, only 1 hatched. Sorry you haven't had much luck :/
My hatch rates on shipped and my own BCM eggs picked up when i started dry-incubating. I prefer chick shipments but they are more expensive. I think humidity control is the key.
Really? I've tried dry on hybrids and it wasn't good. I have my best results at 40% in an Octagon 20. I just hatched my first set of my own BCM eggs at 50%, which is very low for me. I just went with what had been working as an experiment. I will be setting again Thursday. I may try it dry. I'm using my own eggs, so I can afford to experiment. Right now, if I run my Brinsea dry, it is around 28-29%
I currently have a small variety pack of hens. I've raised chickens my whole life (mostly for egg production), I haven't had a roo for over a year. Buttercup, a Buff Orpington/Red Star has been brooding since the end of May - I talking the million mile stare and complete focus - for a while I took all the eggs away daily, then I let her set, took those away, took her egg box away, Ect, ect. She won't come off the nest. I finally broke down and purchased some assorted fertile eggs. Included in these are some Black Copper Marans. I heard they take longer to hatch. Is that true? In the past I've just let my girls do their hatching thing but should I be looking for something else as I check on her? Thanks!
I currently have a small variety pack of hens. I've raised chickens my whole life (mostly for egg production), I haven't had a roo for over a year. Buttercup, a Buff Orpington/Red Star has been brooding since the end of May - I talking the million mile stare and complete focus - for a while I took all the eggs away daily, then I let her set, took those away, took her egg box away, Ect, ect. She won't come off the nest. I finally broke down and purchased some assorted fertile eggs. Included in these are some Black Copper Marans. I heard they take longer to hatch. Is that true? In the past I've just let my girls do their hatching thing but should I be looking for something else as I check on her? Thanks!
Under the hen you will see no difference in hatch time.
Thanks for the reply, I'm a little bit nervous as I've never purchased eggs before and it is a little late in the season where I am. Also, if any hatch they will be my first Marans.
Hi there! I have a cuckoo maran that's about 8 months old. She lives along with two Barred Plymouth Rocks and a Dominique, two of which are four months old. She like to pick on the little ones every so often, and gets a little vicious when I give them treats. She gets extremely greedy and steals the other chicken's treats. Is this just their normal behavior?

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