Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Yes she's a splash. I was have two BA - one blue, one splash both are at the top of the pecking order. They are partners in crime. Always eating together and when they dog comes near they both get in "attack mode". I'll post a picture of Daisy but the pics I have don't do her justice...she really looks just like Eperny (oh & Daisy used to pull my hair too lol)

She's in the front. She has more spots than you can see in either of these pics.

She's in the cage because she was being a bully to the newcomer (the GCM in front)
Your birds are so beautiful! It's true, Daisy definitely does look like Eperny.
I can't help it-still jealous of that gorgeous Blue Andalusian....our hatchery catalogue said that they are only heat tolerant, and where we live, there's a combination of high and low temperatures. So because of this fact, I probably am unable to keep an Andalusian. But you would know, since you own one: is this true? Thank you for sharing your pretty chickens with me!

Your birds are so beautiful! It's true, Daisy definitely does look like Eperny.
I can't help it-still jealous of that gorgeous Blue Andalusian....our hatchery catalogue said that they are only heat tolerant, and where we live, there's a combination of high and low temperatures. So because of this fact, I probably am unable to keep an Andalusian. But you would know, since you own one: is this true? Thank you for sharing your pretty chickens with me!

This is my first year with chickens and we have yet to handle a winter. I live in northern Illinois so it does get pretty cold. I'm hoping for the best. The girl I got them from lives closer to Wisconsin and she's had them for years (along with other breeds) and she doesn't seem to struggle too much with them in the winter so I guess it just depends on how set up they are for the cold weather. Daisy & my other BA seem to be built completely different. Daisy's body looks a lot more like my marans than it does Dixie. Dixie isn't as filled out so I think if I lose one this winter, it'll be Dixie. They are very personable though, even from young chicks. Very curious and dominant. Not afraid of least mine weren't from day one.
I have a question about one of my french copper maran babies. We received our first batch of marans on July 9th. All are growing nicely except for this one poor baby. She/he is losing the baby fluff but is not growing feathers. I need some help/advice as to how I can help it grow. We are feeding it seperate a couple times a day so we can insure it's getting nutrientS. It doesn't appear to be picked on by the others. Attached is a picture of little bit.
I have a question about one of my french copper maran babies. We received our first batch of marans on July 9th. All are growing nicely except for this one poor baby. She/he is losing the baby fluff but is not growing feathers. I need some help/advice as to how I can help it grow. We are feeding it seperate a couple times a day so we can insure it's getting nutrientS. It doesn't appear to be picked on by the others. Attached is a picture of little bit.

Try feeding your chicks some hard boiled egg's, just mash them up and serve it might take them a wile to get use to eating the egg's but make them a new egg every day till they eat it and once them little guys start getting the taste for the egg's you will need to count your fingers ( ha, ha ) but the egg's will help greatly with feather growth and just like feeding egg's to a dog or cat the feathers will be very shiny .....

Here is a photo of my baby's enjoying an egg breakfast
This is my first year with chickens and we have yet to handle a winter. I live in northern Illinois so it does get pretty cold. I'm hoping for the best. The girl I got them from lives closer to Wisconsin and she's had them for years (along with other breeds) and she doesn't seem to struggle too much with them in the winter so I guess it just depends on how set up they are for the cold weather. Daisy & my other BA seem to be built completely different. Daisy's body looks a lot more like my marans than it does Dixie. Dixie isn't as filled out so I think if I lose one this winter, it'll be Dixie. They are very personable though, even from young chicks. Very curious and dominant. Not afraid of least mine weren't from day one.
I hope your BAs make it through this winter smoothly and without problems. We are in the same boat; I'm hoping that my Sicilian Buttercup, specifically her comb, does okay during this next cold period. Udder Butter here we come!
Best wishes with your gorgeous birds.


A couple of my marans

If you plan on breeding to the SOP you would not want to use this male as a breeder since his tail is loaded with white feathers
I'm pretty sure Don was referring to the BCM cock/erel regarding the white feathers. He has lots in his tail in this photo when you look closer.

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