Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

I have no idea. I don't breed Marans .... I just hatch eggs.
I have no idea. I don't breed Marans .... I just hatch eggs.

Whaaaattt?????????? Gone to the Dellie side, huh?? She's a beauty!
Here are a few more of him- I took them at night though. How do you breed out the squirrel tail? help me peeps! I think I need to start over with another rooster...

Heather ~ Personally, I'd find a better rooster. The roo you have pictured does have a "squirrel tail", set above the 45* angle; also he has a not too nice comb: too many points, and not evenly serated. He is also too dark, as in too many melanizers. His saddle feathers (back) should be the same color as his hackle feathers, and he should have some dark red feathering in his shoulders. He also appears to not have any (or sufficient) shank/toe feathering. The pullets/hens you have pictured with him seem to have no or little coppering in their hackles; this roo sure won't help to solve that problem in the next generation. Just my opinion, some others may also chime in with a different opinion.
So I got my VERY first BCM dozen... I was so very anxious to get any eggs out of these free-loaders
They were 30 weeks and I am very new to the BCM breed but judging by the other pictures on here I am kind of disappointed in the color of these but I thought I would post them anyways because I still am very excited about any eggs at all from these guys
I also got this extra large white egg from a newly laying leghorn.
Thanks Don and Debbie. It does help to see pictures. I think I am on the right track with my hens. I just finished moving the girls to their new home.
I had to catch them in the dark, which made it easier, of course, but it was hard to hold the flashlight, catch a bird, maneuver my way out of that partially blown down barn, stick them in the wire cage I was using to move them without amputating parts, then repeat that process 15 times. As I picked up a couple of them they sure felt like they were underweight. When I got over to the new coop and the light I discovered that the underweight hens were my husbands 3 black jersey giants! It just goes to show those hatchery birds sure don't hold a candle to birds raised by a reputable breeder.

I think I got this new coop done just in time. It was starting to sprinkle, almost sleet while I was out moving the girls. It had really been a nice day today, and I guess the hens liked it too because I got 6 eggs tonight, whereas I had only been getting a couple a day. I think it was due to the cold weather. Once they get used to their new home I am hoping they start laying a little more.

I'm hoping they like their new roll-out egg nests.
It is an antique one I got at a farm auction for $20. I'm sure getting tired of poopy eggs on the ground.

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