Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Too many points on the comb, too much leg feathering?
He sure is a handsome fella to my eye!

So weather... I think I have you all beat....
Lets see we have about 1 1/2 feet of snow, single digits in the day and single digit negatives at night with a -25 wind chill...
No big deal it did not even start to really snow yet or get cold...

Coop is about 20 degrees warmer than outside. (No supplemental heat, besides chickens..

Water they get open water in a bowl in the am and pm, also the nipple water is heated.... Believe it or not the birds prefer snow.. It is like cotton candy to them,, they attack my boots when I go in the run... So they get a dish of snow too..

Eggs, got about 8 today out of 24 birds, (6 or so are molting) Yes I supplement light to about 11 hours daylight. (Windows have thermal blankets over them only the pop door and a small vent is left open.. Poop board is scraped daily and bedding is deeep and dry..

My broody AM is still doing a good job... I may have Marans chicks around Christmas..

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We have snow in middle Tennessee! Wind chill predicted to be @ ZERO tonight. It sure looks and feels more like a Northern state.
Snow day tomorrow so kids will be playing in the white stuff

I'll be hauling hot water to the chooks.
The water has been freezing throughout the day so I have to stay on top of the situation. I hope everyone is warm tonight. I did alot of rigging with plastic covered cardboard to help insulate the coops.
I know we don't have it bad, but it's hard to get into the winter schedule. Hey, at least I'm on egg watch. Looking for fuzzy butts by Christmas Eve.
Christmas tree is up and Christmas lights are out. Christmas cards are in the mail, too.
I may just find some time to plug in that incubator again . . . .

Tomorrow, I am in search of a shower curtain for the Christmas motif.
I have a few more things to decorate, too.

I put together a temporary pen for the little chicks ( not so little now) from the Nov 3 hatch.
Dh is still working on our Gazebo and I don't want him to stop on that.
There is a possibilities our temps will be back in the 70's next weekend.
If so, I am feeling another cook out in order.
TOMMOROW temps in the 20's. This is CRAZY weather.
i have a sweet little EE that my marans hen hatched about 6 months ago. The EE has the sweetest and lowest ranking mommy in the flock. It looks like the baby inherited those same genetics.

The marans hen was a lousy mom. She showed her how to dig and what to eat. After about 2 weeks she was done being a mom and didn't care what happened to the chick.

The 5 - 6 month old EE spends her days hiding in the woods afraid of her own shadow. It is terrible !
I got the BRIGHT idea that I would put her in with my 5 - 6 week old chicks and see what happened. . . .
CAN you believe it - - - the young marans chicks came over and attacked the sissy EE.

She is small - - - but still 2 - 3 times their size. The marans jumped on her head and pecked her.
They flew at her with their feet. My poor EE ran to the other side of the pen and would not go near them.
The sweet delawares did not participate in this beat down - - just a couple of the marans chicks.

Who Would of THOUGHT . . . . .

Today, I put the delawares chicks and the EE together in the pen. There were no problems. . .
I still hope to integrate the older (way older) EE into the group of younger chicks. I guess I will do it in stages where the
two "bigger than their britches" marans chicks are the last to socialize with the EE.
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No... He isn't mine.... He is one I found on the net belonging to Littlepeddler... I think he is a gorgeous hunk too but I wanted everybody to wiegh in on him. I am particullarly impressed by the nice "marriage of the back and tail"... It's seamless quality. I really liked this find and wanted other ppls opinion. He seems to fit the standard pretty well I thought. It would be nice if everyone took a turn to critique him... He is just an internet find... A good one I thought...
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He has really pretty coppering and a nice tail set. I cant see the length of his back because that is a tricky stance he is in lol. He has good leg feathering. I thought someone said it is supposed to be sparse leg/toe feathering though? I personally like his leg feathering. Isn't that too much coppering in the chest though. I know some is allowed, and his seems to go down awfully far past the chest....Comb: I see 6 points and everyone's been saying 5 is the magic number... I wouldn't throw him out of the coop though, he is a handsome boy
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less than 10 percent is the coppering and this is well within the standard and as for leg feathering sparse as compared to what.. A brahma or Cochin... It looks sparse to me... I have Cochins so this is sparse as long as it only affects the outside toe... which is hard to tell in the pic... It is interesting what different ppl see...,r:4,s:0&tx=56&ty=76

When I think of heavy feathering I think of this...

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