Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Do you have some pictures of your chicks you could share?? I couldn't find anything on the internet.

I searched for some pictures of my goldens
the darkest one is a Golden the one in front is a White and the one in the back is a Silver with Wheaten according to Bev he now is a light Silver with partial white tail feathers I don't know what I'm going to do with him until I test mate him to see if he carries recessive white.....he is nice and big with feathered shanks

Yeah, they look nothing like what I have?? My yellow one has allot of gray on it's back and up towards the head, I know that picture doesn't show it very well. I can find absolutely nothing about gold cuckoo's anywhere and no one seems to be chiming in to give me any insight (other than you). Thank you for posting some pictures. I guess I am at a loss and will wait to see how they feather out.
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HenThymes Where is a picture....I am well versed in Golden cuckoos...I have also had some experience accident with golden Salmon...So lets see a pic or tell me where yours is....

Found em...Well I would say the second picture is a more normal presentation of a GC...what I have seen of them... The first one actually looks like it is a wild type...on the lighter side of things... your second one isn't a perfect example of a Golden either.... Very interesting presentation... I believe darker is female and lighter is male... I can't remember as it has been a long time since I had them... Very sweet babies regarldless...I wouldn't be suprised if you end up with a wild type chicken out of the first one....(Golden Salmon).... It will be interesting to see....More and more of these are popping up these days.
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Thank you for your input, do you have any pictures of what they will look like as they start to grow and feather out? Is there anywhere to find information on Gold Cuckoos? I would love to learn more and see pictures of the possible outcomes.
HenThymes there are breeders who mix the colors which is to me a bad thing to sell and not say it's a can breed BC or Wh into your Cuckoos to help improve egg color and my Golden Cuckoos can stand some help there but it needs to be done the correct way and there will be many culls just for color not counting type.....I've seen auctions for mixes that make me cringe they would be fine for dark egg layers as for being anything else well it would take too much time and work. I do have Golden and Silver Cuckoos my Silvers lay 5 and 6's mu Goldens are just starting mostly 4's one who lays a 5 and the hatchery Cuckoos are lucky if they look darker than my Dels or Rocks though I have some that lay darker.....I hope the eggs were dark that they hatched from
I may make a new line of GC's using that sport Golden Salmons that was just hatched... That would be fun... I have a nice Davis/Wade dark cuckoo that will cross nicely with the male that was hatched... Should be a fun experiment.... If you end up with a little male that is Wild could potentially do the same thing.

No Hen...I don't...sorry... They were culls the last time I grew out some!!! I didn't take pix of culls... so sad..they got eaten.. They actually looked alot like Wellies or my brown Leghorn.. ha ha... (not a color I was into)

I didn't know at the time it was a new color...I thought it was a error though I had 3 hatch out of one litter... and 2 the following one...I just got rid of the rooster and called it good. oooops.... I did have it pop up again.. in offspring that went to a friend.. she bred the sister/brother stock and it showed up again....go figure... I know what it is now so I am glad it is still here at this point because she needs to infuse her Golden Cuckoo line and this is just what the doctor ordered.
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Here are a few pictures that I just took of the crew (there are two bantam orps in the mix)




This one has a couple of red spots on the tops of it's head?

I have two of the blacks that have no white spot on their heads, the rest do??

Lotsapaints - I had both average brown eggs and some that were dark but not the "darkest" of maran eggs if that makes sense?
The bottom one looks like a typical female Golden Cuckoo... number two could be a male but possibly a wildy type (Golden Salmon).... I guess you need to photograph them as they grow... The top one really has wild type markings on it...

Actually the bottom one looks black...It should be brown... What the heck??? You have quite an assortment there!!!

I would watch them grow up and photograph as you likely has some genetic soup... (fun to play with)

What were the sold to you as???? Just curious and what kinds of birds did they have...looks kinda like a crossing of thing...I would say a black copper is responsible for one... cuckoo is definetly there and some partridge in the background.
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Thanks Pink... I think I will talk with some of the Heritage Rosecomb RIR folks on BYC, see what they think and learn about the history of the Rosecomb RIR.. If nothing else I can always select for smaller combs when breeding, and in 20 years or so I will have a small comb marans that was not outcrossed...

I guess I better buy stock in vaseline in the mean time..

Seriously though... If any one has or comes across Marans birds that have smaller combs or even sport rosecomb let me know!!!!! I may want to buy them.

BCM birds from Greenfire arrived this afternoon. They look a bit rough, very stinky, drank lots of water right off. One hen looks really good the other small and a bit stressed/hunched. One roo is much larger than the other. I will take better pictures when they are more rested and perked up.


What do people think about quarantine, should I still do 6 weeks even though they came from a "Hatchery"?
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I love the idea of rosecomb or better yet peacomb Marans. You could start with Olive eggers they should have some pea combs right?

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