Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Love those eggs.. I am partial to the hummingbird ones and the dragonfly one...

Ah yes rural life...

Our postal route carrier is quite the gal..Ever time I get chickens in the mail from "exotic" places like another state...
.... She always says what the he** do you need chickens from so far away for??

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I sure hope you are at the beginning of her route? Would hate to think the new chooks had to ride with her all day long. I was a rural carrier for over 8 years. Had one man, Fred, who bought OEGs about every month. I would always take them out to him off route, just deliver the chickens first, then go to the start of my route, as he was towards the very end of a 74 mile route. Of course, he would get a call from me first to make sure he would be home. He'd always have a cup of coffee and a donut for me, and then would have to show off his new birds. He had probably 300 or better, and they were quite an impressive lot! That was in the good old days when delivering the mail was a personal joy. After 9/11, that all went to blazes, and we weren't supposed to offer that "kind of service". If you have a good mail carrier, please don't forget them this Christmas! The job is not as easy as it looks, and the pay, well, sucks,
I guess money is not exceptable any more, and gifts should be $20.00 in value or less.
What a cool story Keara & 10% off to boot!!!!!!!!!!!! Good deal.

My husband & I just went to Tractor Supply. I got a coupon in the mail for buy 3 sacks of feed & get the 4th free. It turned out that even at the regular price the feed I needed was $2.00 a bag cheaer than going to Modesto ( 30 to 35 miles round trip) & $4.00 a bag cheaper than the local feed store. With the coupon deal I really felt like I got a gift......LOL I am going to asked my daughter who lives next door if she got the coupon if I can have hers.........LOL The chickens go crazy for it & it's high protein & came highly recommended buy someone I truly trust that has great birds that she shows.
Karen in California
the egggssss uhhhh (wish my chickens would lay them like that!!) sooo jealous!!!

I can't wait to see the honor you do the marans!!!

Nice story Keara.... met Santy Klaus.. how sweet... What a ho ho ho spirit we have today here on THE thread.
I just picked up a Wheaten Marans chick hatched by another BYCer out of Jeanette McGee eggs (Marans of MS), whaddya think guys? Sorry about the red brooder light, BTW.


This little one was hatched on the 15th, so she's 4 days old.
I sold my 3 Golden Cuckoo hens, but have some of their eggs in the incubator.

2 of my FBCMs ate a rat that had eaten poison and they died so I'm down to my last two FBCM hens and they aren't laying.

I've got 9 of Illia's w/bw Marans eggs in the bator and then another dozen FBCMs from Chookschicks, a few from onthespot and a goodly number of my own.

I hope I'm roling in marans come Jan 2nd.
Okay, apparently I'm not understanding what's going on here. I have 5 BCM, 2 roosters and 3 pullets. One of them started laying a month or so ago, so of course I put her eggs in the incubator. So far I've hatched 3 clean-legged wheatens, 1 feather-legged wheaten, and 1 feather-legged black copper. Pics of my birds can be seen here, here, and here. I know the mossy clean-legged pullet is laying, and I think maybe one of the others is too?
Someone said before that the dark one doesn't have any copper, which is not true. She does have some, it's just very minimal on the back of her neck.

Anyway, can someone help me understand why most of my 'BCM' chicks are hatching out wheatens?
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Mine dont have pics on em.... (wish they did)... but they are still perty ... This is todays haul...Deviled eggs with supper!!

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