Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!




I've hatched 4 so far but only have pics of the first 2 wheatens.
Well, went to town for more chick starter, shipped Christmas presents, cleaned the brooder, and still the little stinker hasn't pipped any more. No peeps, rocking, peeping, or pipping. Wish they wouldn't do that early to get me all excited! Still, it's only day 19, so be patient, be patient, be patient!
Up here in the fozen dark north of Vermont..... One of my two mature BCM girls has been laying me 5 eggs a week. She is a keeper for sure, her sister layed me two eggs about a month ago and than desided to wait for warmer weather.

Hmmm, My Marans are out laying the same age Ameraucana 2 or 3 eggs to 1...... (EE's are molting, so it is mostly Marans eggs in our fridge..

Village.. Nice egg!

Shelly those are cute babies!!

Trying to catch up on 2 days worth of posts. I miss you guys!! I've been lost in quilting hell the past few days and hardly have had any time to play with my new Key West chickens, even. Arrrggg
. Sometime during the summer, I got the dumb idea to make 3 quilts for gifts for my mother, MIL, and grandmother this Christmas. Well... I've got one done LOL! One just needs binding and the other is almost done. I told my hubby if I ever decide to do this again to just shoot me LOL!

Seems like mostly my new Marans layers (young hens/pullets) are the ones laying right now. Only a few of the older Marans are laying. My ameraucanas are laying again. They quit during the summer when it was hot so I am glad to be getting blue eggs again. This is why I keep my mixed layer pen with the leghorn, sexlink, RIR, BRs etc they keep me in solid eggs all year lol. My red sexlink and leghorn had never missed a day laying since they first started.
My Marans that are under lights I'm getting pretty much an egg a day from everybody but the Welsummers they are every other day girls I have 12 others no real lights and I'm getting 6 to 9 but for a couple of weeks only 4 to 6 after tomorrow the days get longer yeah. I'm under water here creek running we pumped water for 4 hours before it went down and much more rain on the way my girls all stay out until they look pretty wet I'll be putting more rice hulls out tomorrow those work well for the mud but leaves are much better ran out of those.....
Very nice looking eggs Keith! How's all your birds doing? Most of my girls are on break at the moment
Good to see you around. Happy Holidays!

Debbi-this is also day 19 for me. I heard pipping at 8:30 tonight and was able to get them to pip for my daughter about an hour later, but now nothing! I just need to go to bed and not worry.

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