Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Mel, would love to hear the SOP of jokes

Hope your DR visit went well!
I just made my second batch of blackberry jam. I now have 18 jam jars on the table. That is from blackberries grown in my own backyard. I am making blueberry jam tonight.....

So does this count?

Wahoooo!! Of course it I've seen the pics of your gardens! How is growing going down there in all that heat?
Okay Wynette... I went to the link you posted on this thread and asked a question...... I see it is for marans.. I can ask color questions to him even though it is a general marans thread right??? Oh and BTW... super good idea... thanks!!! Asking a REAL judge... cooleo!!!
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geebsie, so long as it's related to the SOP (the general Marans SOP has been approved, as has the color variety for black copper).

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