Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

After I lost the male, tried to fing eggs or another male with no luck so gave the hens to someone in Ohio. Serves as a reminder that we should always keep more than one male, Sometimes things do happen and they die or are food .
I think the girl is lovely also -- but her eyes look very dark to me. Are they? And if so how many of you still breed the hens that have dark eyes and would you use an over red roo on her? I have a few hens with very nice coloring and body type but have dark eyes. They lay a very nice color egg and I would like to work out the eye color if possible. What would you do?

Funny, the people over on the Wellie Forum are leaning towards them being Wellie Eggs - due to the Terra Cotta tone and lack of glossiness/sheen. Time will tell...

Steve, I have two gals that lay a very dark egg; in fact, probably would be my 3rd & 4th darkes layers in that pen - they are pure W. Jeane, from the original line (in fact, they are from stock hatched from eggs that were among the first sold by W. Jeane from his original flock) - I got the hatching eggs from Dave & Beth Fitzgerald. Both of these hens lay a matte finish egg. Gorgeous color, but matte.
Funny, the people over on the Wellie Forum are leaning towards them being Wellie Eggs - due to the Terra Cotta tone and lack of glossiness/sheen. Time will tell...

Steve, I have two gals that lay a very dark egg; in fact, probably would be my 3rd & 4th darkes layers in that pen - they are pure W. Jeane, from the original line (in fact, they are from stock hatched from eggs that were among the first sold by W. Jeane from his original flock) - I got the hatching eggs from Dave & Beth Fitzgerald. Both of these hens lay a matte finish egg. Gorgeous color, but matte.

Hey Wynette

Are you happy with the type on the Fitz birds? Ive been contemplating ordering eggs from them. Would love to know if you're happy with the quality. Are they just dark layers or do they seem to have bred true or close to SOP?

Thanks and Yes. She does have very dark eyes... No plans on breeding so no biggy to me - in fact it adds to her personality somewhat. Dark eyes, weird comb - still a beauty!
Hi - I was just out taking pictures of my chickens and took some pictures of my rooster. Do you like him? My feelings won't be hurt by criticism. He DOES have a tail - he's growing in his new feathers now.


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