Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Wow, can't help you much there. It's all whose working when, and the given times of year I'd guess. To those folks who don't label their parcels as "Hatching Eggs" or something to that effect, you are doing yourself a disservice. There is always someone along the way, whether town or country, that will have a soft spot for the eggies, perhaps remembering their Grandmas chickens! If you don't label them as such, they can be prone to sitting on docks in frigid weather or extreme heat. Thee is always the exception, but there is usually at least one clerk, and one carrier in a PO who gives a hoot for such things, and that will make the difference. If it's just a Priority box, it cna be curtailed for up to 5 days if the parcel load is heavy.

nincomcoop ~ those chicks look pullet to me in one pic, and then a rooish looking one pops up. Not sure which chick is which? Can you get them together for a pic to compare? One looks to have thicker legs, the last pic looks pullet to me. Are their beaks yellow, or is it still my monitor??
I've ordered oboe reeds 4 times from Indiana and everytime the box is damaged. I've ordered oboe reeds from CHINA and they have arrived safe and sound every time.

It has to be the HUBS that they travel through.... sure wish I knew who to complain to!
It's really a moot point to complain. Seems there is no one left there who gives a rat's arse.

I just checked my tracking number again, and there hasn't been an update sine 9/21. Will call the PO again at 8:15...
I had something shipped from Tenessee to NY last week. it took 4 days Priority mail...I think someone walked them up here.
Well, the PO said the box was in, but that one side of the box looked, ah er, damaged. Great. Asked if it was oozing, she said no. Wish me luck, I'm heading out to pick it up..
I dont know about all turkeys. I have the Bronze turkeys. I got them from the feed store so they are probably hatchery stock. I really expected them to be mean like dh said his were when he was little. I didn't expect them to be smart and sweet and clingy lol. Our male broke his neck somehow recently I think he must of ran into the boat trying to get away from a predator or else something else did it to him. Anyhow, I really miss him he followed me around like a puppy dog even worse than the two turkey hens that I have left do. They are really sweet. They like to be petted a little and talked to but not picked up. They are too fat too fly now and grew pretty fast. They are smarter than our chickens and will not drink nasty water...they love fresh water coming straight from the faucet best.
I think we majorly traumatized one of the hens the other day when we culled our male muscovey ducks. Dh had one butchered and draining in the killing cone and this hen came up and started the worst sorrowful call at the top of her lungs. She had a horrified look on her face too. She stood there and watched us skin him out etc and cried the whole time!!! They are not dumb she knew exactly what was going on- poor girl.

Try contacting Lotspaints in Paso Robles California. She has lotsof turkeys too.....LOL

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