Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

I think he looks pretty nice. Promising. I'm no expert, but he looks like he would be okay to use for breeding. He might be just a little short backed, affecting the tail angle which is just a little high. (Does anyone thing the tail angle comes down a little as they fill in and mature some. I think I have seen that happen with a couple of mine.) Extra point in the comb (gee... if only that was the only comb issue BCM's had to deal with!)

I like his color. Looks like he has a little extra coppering down a little low in his chest, but that's no big deal as far as I'm concerned. Maybe he'd be one to throw a little more coppering into the hens. I'd say he's a keeper.
That has happened with my BCM cockerel. I didn't think tail angle improved with age. In fact I was told by seasoned poultry producers that if he was squirrel tailed at a young age he should be culled. I didn't cull him because he's all I have!!!
I posted pictures of him a month/6 weeks or so ago. He has since mini-moulted and matured and now actually looks QUITE nice so I'll have to post pictures of him again. (He was sort of a big chunky ball of a guy a month ago. Now he's big and TALL and looking quite nice, I think.) Seems this big, beefy boy had to grow into himself, so to speak.

Fascinating breed, these Marans.
He is a very nice looking boy! Comb or not--sorry about the comb.....

Thanks... I aparently can't send anymore PMs so I sent you an email.

You can try the pms again--my inbox was full so I had to delete some of the old messages in there. I have not seen an email yet but for some reason emails from BYC get held until I go in and release them.
CUTE! I have 2 10wk old splash girls too...not very friendly, yet. I will win them over with delicious treats!
its that time of year eh? Where its not so much fun going out to the pens...cause it hard to look at them in all their sadness...I just hope they feather out fast. its getting colder everyday. I don't know if I'm gonna end up making it to sedalia with everything going on here...but I need to do some more rearranging and culling in my breeder pens from last year to get ready for winter. I also have to prep the stalls and the chicken house for winter by clearing everything out, wipin down the walls, puttin down flea and mite dust, stalldry, then put in fresh wood chips, which work so much better for me. It won't take long, I've just been holding off as long as I could until my back was feeling a bit better. I'll try to do all that this weekend while I have time off. My work schedule has been really strange lately making it hard to get much done while it is light out

So are ALL you red headed ladies abandoning me? I am definitely going to the Sedalia show. I have decided to go ahead and show a couple bantam cochins. They are the only ones in show condition. I have several other birds I could possibly show, but they have been in wire pens and their feather condition is not the greatest.

When I get back from the show and my little vacation, I will have to get some pics of my BCM pullets from this year. I have culled down to just 3, and I think they are looking pretty nice. I like them better than what I had last year. I think I am going to go back with them to Goliath, who is also their papa.

ON THE CARNATION COMB ISSUE (not shouting, just wanted to draw attention)
I have not had what I would say is a carnation comb. Of all the chicks I have hatched, I have had one side sprig, about in the middle of the comb. What I have had, though, is kind of a "wave" to the comb. Sometimes they will curve a little, sometimes the points tilt out a ways, but all originate from the same "line" of the comb. The combs are not always straight, like the teeth on a comb for hair. Is this possibly attached to the carnation comb issue? My BCM's are all pure Wade-Jean line. I have never mixed them.

Does anyone know the exact history of the Wade Jean birds? Was this line ever mixed with penendesencas? It would be interesting to know since that is what I have and plan to stick with.

Hey Susie! I'm still seeing if I can somehow make it work...I don't know if I can or not tho with some of the other things going. I'm still holding out some hope to see if it might work. I really want to go.
very nice! what color girls are these out of?

The solid blacks and there is one black copper. These are all chicks I hatched from my hens that aren't from "dave" lol. I've haven't had much luck with egg color in the past sadly so the last yr and a half I've. Been trying to improve with a small 4hen flock I had. Yay! I'm so excited!

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