Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!


They are nice looking pullets. I agree with Mt Mel that the leg feathering thing can be remedied fairly quickly. You just want to try and keep the feathering off the middle toe. I never cared for hairy toes on women

Me either.....but pullets in lingerie looks kinda weird too..
I'll look for you, I called in sick today, so I can do some holiday "research"
BTW, I have ordered stuff from Europe on a last ditch effort, and so far, no complaints, the credit card companies do the exchange, which usually comes up more than I expected, but I get what I wanted, in a reasonable amount of time.
I'll take this batch of pullets off your hands for ya, no need to ship them, Mel can bring them back for me when he brings home his new bull.
I love the speckly eggds .....they are some of my favorites
but agrea with flgarden about them having to be atleast a speckly #4, if they are.....GOod to go!!!!!!!

seriously are crackin me up with your spelling and "artistic" use of the space bar

by the way....that little Bantam BCM girl of mine is healing up well...she still has a ways to go, but the hole in the back of her neck is definitely smaller! I'm starting to breathe a little easier now. She is having "freerange time" good thing I don't have carpet.

LOL! "Artistic"
....I was a little challenged last night and the keyboard wouldn't stay in one place while I was typing.
Good Times!

The PM's were fun....Anna and I also had an evening of fun PM's a couple weeks ago.
BTW...send out a hello to Anna for me Vicki! We miss her 'round here.

I am very glad to hear about your little bantam girl. What did you end up doing with her neck?
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Hey.....I love the speckly eggs and you are right about the flash washing them out, I know they are darker than what the photo is showing. I have 2 girls that lay eggs like that, one of them is Dolly's mom. Do you think that Dolly is laying those lovely speckled ones? Didn't you get a couple Welsummers from me too?
Thanks, Pink. I was hoping I had some good birds to work with. I guess when the weather clears up I can get some pics of the roos and y'all can help me with culling. The wife ain't liking the feed bill right about now.
About that Mel. I kinda think he gave up on the idea of trying to take that heifer when I explained him Texas' Castle Law.
seriously are crackin me up with your spelling and "artistic" use of the space bar

by the way....that little Bantam BCM girl of mine is healing up well...she still has a ways to go, but the hole in the back of her neck is definitely smaller! I'm starting to breathe a little easier now. She is having "freerange time" good thing I don't have carpet.

LOL! "Artistic"
....I was a little challenged last night and the keyboard wouldn't stay in one place while I was typing.
Good Times!

The PM's were fun....Anna and I also had an evening of fun PM's a couple weeks ago.
BTW...send out a hello to Anna for me Vicki! We miss her 'round here.

I am very glad to hear about your little bantam girl. What did you end up doing with her neck?

haha...all I know is you were hilarious! I talked to her day before yesterday tellin her we all missed her. Hopefully she can figure out the computer problem soon!
Haha...that little Bantam girl...she is a turd...she is a pro at either getting bandages off or getting caught on her toe nail getting caught in bandages, so she doesn't have anything on right now. Its looking gross still but healing up well. I have some Neosporin spray on it once a day and just keep track of the progress. She's still rough looking with missing so many feathers and having the wounds and such, but she is in really good spirits. She is death on my house plants during freeranging time. I have to cover them with a cardboard box and she loves to jump up on this stool I have so she can watch what I'm working on. Overall...i have a spoiled, spoiled chicken on my hands.
God help my soul, BUT I CAN'T let this one go!

Mel is gonna get MORE BULL ? ??

As far as I can tell, he already has more bull than the rest of us!


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