Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Yes, Slick, sounds like. We're getting storms later in the afternoon. Hope nothing severe but ya never know around here! Then a cold front comes throguh tonight, so back to the 40s. Hey, it could stay 40* all winter and I'd be thrilled!!

Stoo, day off work and spending all the work money, I love it! I need to get my butt listing some stuff on ebay. Haven't been there in awhile, except to peek at chicken eggs


One less freeloader! I took these with my phone, so as not to give any more headaches. Got some teenagers starting to squat
a little pointy and small, but I'll TAKE IT!
Same eggs, different light. And I moved the brown one, has 2 big spots, trying to show off both.
Morning everyone
rain here today off and on, fun getting chores done this am... not

had to change out leg bands on the 7 babies this am- so took the old off and replace with new same color zip tie, they are 4 week old now and looks like there are at least 3 boys, will have to have DD help take pictures so we can post and see what you all think! Threads are just flying today so I guess we all have similar weather

nice eggs Stoo, we just loaded the incubator with 50 eggs on Monday afternoon due NYD, hoping that DH will get some spare time to work on the new bator and have that ready for hatching them out
either that or for the next group to go in
Yes. I started the giant cabinet home made bator. has room for over 200 eggs.
I am purposely not finishing till spring because my styrofoam crapbox is getting me in enough trouble.
I have chicks everywhere!

Do you have a pic of your "Mega Bator".

I ask because I am putting together a "wine-o-bator" this week....then its on to a multi-level brooder project . Taking my wine fridge and converting it to a bator. I received the IncuKit yesterday so now its project "game on" time tonight. It should hold about 70 eggs.

Do you have a pic of your "Mega Bator".

I ask because I am putting together a "wine-o-bator" this week....then its on to a multi-level brooder project . Taking my wine fridge and converting it to a bator. I received the IncuKit yesterday so now its project "game on" time tonight. It should hold about 70 eggs.

what does the kit look like? DH is going to be converting a wine refrig for us too- if he can ever find spare time
God help my soul, BUT I CAN'T let this one go!

Mel is gonna get MORE BULL ? ??

As far as I can tell, he already has more bull than the rest of us!

That may be true....I don't deny it...but what I told you about Walla Walla was dead serious.

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