Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!


Vicki, This male in your avatar is what I was trying to raise when I had the Marans. Great type and station. Would be interesting to see what you would get with him and some Blue and Blue Copper female. Really nice male though.

Thanks Don. He was an ugly teenager for sure, but just had a hunch he would grow into himself. He's got his flaws, but I'm pretty excited for breeding season this next spring. I have two blue copper girls that have copper and 3 blue girls that are solid and a couple of splash and black girls with no copper showing or very little that I am going to try against both him and Gigantor, that BCM boy I posted a while back with such good color. One of the females I posted a few days back...I'll repost her...she has barely 4 points on her comb, its very small, but that splash has a really nice comb, so hoping they will balance the combs out in the babes. She's still plenty young, but coming along nicely. I gotta get out and get more pics!
Hi, I'm new to the Marans thread. I received 3 black copper Marans chicks and now that they have matured some I can see that 2 have webbed feet and fused toes. I've contacted the seller. Since I am not breeding the hens, these defects will not be passed on through me. As little as I know about chickens, I realize that Marans with these defects should be culled out of a breed line, right? The chicks are still being raised in my old barn but soon they will have to go with the main flock to roost in a coop. I'm not sure the two pullets with fused toes will be able to roost properly. They will lead a pampered life in my yard. Is this a common fault? Is it associated with the gene for feathering on the legs/toes? The one who does not have the webbing and fusing also has the least feathering. I can try to take pictures and post them.

Pink ~ I wonder if he carries a white gene of some kind?? Would that be a recessive white? I know the white gene will mask underlaying colors, but then maybe it would be a single dose of dominant white?? I get cornfused...
I think I'd be more interested to see what color he produces, cause eventually, a carnation will pop up from him.

I was up late digging in another forum last night when I saw Pink's pale hackled blue.
Didn't get a chance to post.
Breeders of SQ Partridge Wyandottes (the pencilled kind) have apparently proven that one single dose of recessive white is necessary in roosters to lighten the lower hackle to the proper pale lemon color without affecting the red in the wing. All the serious breeders have a separate cock breeders and hen breeders, as the genetics are different! How ridiculous IMHO.
So Debbi you may be onto something with the recessive white. Maybe it only expresses in ER birchen when Blue is there to dilute the black. It's an interesting phenotype. Maybe I could post the pic at The Coop and see what they say.

Vicki, This male in your avatar is what I was trying to raise when I had the Marans. Great type and station. Would be interesting to see what you would get with him and some Blue and Blue Copper female. Really nice male though.

Don!! Good to see you again - and Merry Christmas!! At 5 weeks, my Cuckoos are both males. Big, chunky buggers. Combs look good so far but both have feathers on their middle toes. My BCMs are exciting. 2 pullets and a cockerel. One pullet with the rudimentary toe but the other looks perfect so far, as does the male, although his comb isn't the nicest.
VC~ Merry Christmas!
Help yourself to the photo of that cockerel to take over the The Coop....when you do send me the link please and I will follow. I lurk over at The Coop and read and read and read, but have never logged in or signed up. TONS of FABULOUS INFORMATION and very knowledgeable folks over there.
Merry Christmas Roger!! My head swells every time you tell me I'm onto something!
Some things are sinking into the old noggin by osmosis!

Didn't get a chance to take any pics today. Had to make a trip to town, and ran into everyone and their uncle! Maybe tomorrow...

Don, glad you made it in here! Vicki has some lovely birds, and I too love that Splash boy!
GORGEOUS pictures, Pink! Thanks for sharing. I had a young bald eagle stay quite low and fly ahead of me down a river one day when I was out in the canoe. Breath-taking. I swear the wings spanned the width of the river. Truly a sight to behold. I'm so glad to see them making a comeback. We have several nesting pairs around here so I hope to see more of them as well. Just hope I DON'T see them flying off with my chickens!!!!

Thanks, I just love them. They were living in a snag at the top of our driveway that was on the neighbors property, the neighbors took down the tree and obviously they had to move but they remained close which is a very good thing.

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