Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

project stage lol iv been at project stage for 5 years with wheaten marans lol. how are you debbie hope everything's okay

Hi ya Randy! I'm lost, don't remember what that quote was about, but I don't think it was Wheatens. Birchens or Salmons maybe?? Every thing is good here today. Gorgeous weather yesterday and today...78*!!! Storms coming tomorrow and Thursday, but not supposed to get wild. Hard to get pics of the chicks in this weather. When I took the Silkies outside for pics, they all played "dead chicken"!
They all flop over on their sides, one foot and one wing out stretched, and cooing in the sun. They all pile together too, so it looks like a big furball! Not even the best camera is going to untangle that mess of fluff!!

Vicki ~ Glad to hear you are getting this nice weather too! What's that?? Are you coughing??? Sounds like the spring flu to me!! Ya might want to call in sick??
Got one more BCM baby to hatch. This one needed some help, but looks like it will be ok. Big chick in a little egg! I don't know how they do it sometimes!

Glad I have the Silkies. Just sold another dozen! With the 9 roos gone, the feed bill has been cut in half, and now the Silkies are paying for all the feed on top of it!!!
baby #1 is zipped and head is out already! It is the loudest little peeper. Pic is coming in a min....I'm in love again!
This never gets old!
Hey Randy - I appears I got a golden salmon pullet my last hatch!
Think I can get info on her over in the Wheaten thread??

or any other ideas? 

To all you brave souls who cull yourself - bless you!
We pay a guy $3/bird and it is SOOOOO worth it!

He plucks, rather than skins - what's the difference, other than the obvious?

you might find somebody on the wheaten thread know something about salmon as for me I know very little about anything how did u get a salmon . from a wheaten marans ? I've never seen 1. most of the odd things I see from wheaton is por examples of black tailed buff I'm lucky my flock does not produce anything really strange
The salmon/duckwing is from BCM parents!
I'm not really sure, either - never happened before, but from the pics I'm seeing, she's def salmon/duckwing patterned...??...

I should shut my mouth, but I've never gotten anything odd before either...
LOL Barb - yep - that's what I meant!

Maybe they take the skin off, since it sounds like a lot of people take the carcass apart for storage anyhow - ?? -
Can we talk twisted combs a minute? Some pictures:
These are two of the five with bad combs.


I forgot to tell them we were doing pictures today, so they weren't prepared and tried to ignore me. I took a few extra PICS anyway.



All the boys have straight combs, so are there any expectation these can be bred out?

I know many pages back, there was some talk about twisted combs and I know it was recommended not to use them in breeding as it can be passed on to the offspring. I ended up culling 2 cockerals last summer due to twisted comb and this past weekend I ended up culling 3 more cockerals because of this same issue. The 1 cockeral whose comb looked the best at this point was given a stay- he was given the job of taking care of 20- 5 week old babies- so far he is doing okay with them but he isn't sure what he should all do, he's not sure he should share the food dish!

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