Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Hi ya Randy! I'm lost, don't remember what that quote was about, but I don't think it was Wheatens. Birchens or Salmons maybe?? Every thing is good here today. Gorgeous weather yesterday and today...78*!!! Storms coming tomorrow and Thursday, but not supposed to get wild. Hard to get pics of the chicks in this weather. When I took the Silkies outside for pics, they all played "dead chicken"!
They all flop over on their sides, one foot and one wing out stretched, and cooing in the sun. They all pile together too, so it looks like a big furball! Not even the best camera is going to untangle that mess of fluff!!

Vicki ~ Glad to hear you are getting this nice weather too! What's that?? Are you coughing??? Sounds like the spring flu to me!! Ya might want to call in sick??
gig.gif spring flu...but last two days I can barely breathe. Do you think they'd take the excuse that no oxygen is getting to my brain, so I can work? haha
LOL Barb - yep - that's what I meant!

Maybe they take the skin off, since it sounds like a lot of people take the carcass apart for storage anyhow - ?? -

In all honesty, I've never heard of removing the skin rather than the feathers. I hope someone else responds. Maybe it's done with really old birds that are destined for the soup pot rather than the oven???
In all honesty, I've never heard of removing the skin rather than the feathers. I hope someone else responds. Maybe it's done with really old birds that are destined for the soup pot rather than the oven???
I skin all my birds rather than plucking. I don't like the skin, which I know some people think is crazy, but it works well for me. I use my birds in all sorts of cooking depending on how it is cooked, find it can still be moist and tender. When I roast my birds, I will put them in an oven bag with potatoes, onions, carrots and other veggies and it is about the simplest meal, but is juicy and tasty!
In all honesty, I've never heard of removing the skin rather than the feathers. I hope someone else responds. Maybe it's done with really old birds that are destined for the soup pot rather than the oven???

the only reason why I skin them is because I did wanna go through all the trouble of plucking. all i do know if you going to sk:rolleyes:iin the burg do it immediately while the body still warm when it starts to cool its difficult to get the skins separated but yes all the flavors in the skin.. I'm a lot like homer simpson I like my chicken with extra emmmskn
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OMGOSH!!!!!!!!!! TOTALLY STINKIN' CUTE!!!!!! :love


Ok...that second pic is literally so cute I think I might puke! I love that chunker! I'll have to get you a pic of my blue cuckoo boy growin out...he's three weeks old today and the patterning is coming in nicely so far!

Looky at my new baby

Thanks I think he was amazing but sadly will not be able to see him grow out because he died... I'm so upset! I have no clue what happend he was just lathargic and that's all he was fine an hr earlier!
Thanks I think he was amazing but sadly will not be able to see him grow out because he died... I'm so upset! I have no clue what happend he was just lathargic and that's all he was fine an hr earlier!
Oh no!!!! i'm sorry lady! I was gonna ask the other day who the parents were...maybe you can hatch some more just like that little bugger!
Ok that hatch was a dud.... the eggs were old and I could not see in them really. But I finally got the 400 lumens flashlight and I could see that some of the Marans were really clear or had quit early. I bet I tossed 30 more eggs... I did get 16 total babies. All but one Marans had feathered legs. The ones from PinkChicks Dark Blue roo did NOT have feathers down the toe.... but I can work with that. The others did and they all had nicely feathered legs. I think i got 6-8 Marans chicks and only 2 were black coppers and 1 had that copper spot over one eye.... I think I will tag his other leg and watch him....

The good news... the 180 eggs I originally set most developed. I think I only tossed 4 eggs when I candled. Some had already pipped internally and 1 had pipped! I have that hatcher packed full! I can't see anything! I put the important ones on top, but I want to see more....
I have 12 baskets in there 4 on each layer, 3 layers high
I ran out of baskets too....

Those are due the 15th.

There were some left from the other batch that I still had hope for so I put them in the bottom of the incubator, but I can't get the humidity up in the giant thing.... 1 had piped internally I could see it moving. I hope more hatch.... that was dismal....

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