Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

You can come visit me.... they are all over the place.....

Sorry you didn't have a good hatch
I hate to have to cull a chick or find one dead. They was probably why he was chirping so much. Just not meant to be.
yeah....I think you are right. Just not a good week last week and not a very good start to this week either... Makes me appreciate the nutty birds I do have! My oldest chicks are on a wicked growth spurt and seems like they are growing daily. I think I'm going to have some nice large girls too!
Sorry Vicki and Lotsa.
This weather has been rough all over the place! I used to live in Hesperia, CA, so I can relate to those temps! At least you don't have to contend with much humidity.

Just ate my first ripe tomato!! Pinch of salt, and a drizzle of olive oil, yum!!
I'm determined I'm gonna try again and hopefully the results will be very different! The grass is starting to get crunchy here now and we're not hearin anything about rain for quite a while it sounds like.
well it's over 105 and I hosed the birds down set up a fan to help out a few it seems the water must feel better then they go and dust the forecast is for over 115 so it's getting there I know I'm wet looks like we have smoke from the fire that was close but now contained welcome to summer not
OMGosh! BYC let me log in this morning!!!!!!! Whoop! Whoop! Finally!

Lotsa~ Sorry to read of Mr. Spish! He was a nice boy. Glad that you have some offspring from him and some brothers.

Vicki~ Sorry about the chick! Glad Rod is sending you some more eggs later on, he truly is a great guy. Maybe we can be hatch buddies again. I am getting more eggs from him in a couple months too as the weather clears.

The Birchens here are doing good under their new mommy. So glad that Darryl likes to be broody. Will try to get some photos of her with them today. I hope she decides to get up off the nest and take them outside for a spell. Geesh, she just sits and sits and screams at them if they near the door of the crate that she is in with them. "Gee, Mom all we want to do is go out and play and see what everyone else is up to!"

Blarney~ Thank you! Little Baby Jane is growing like a weed. Yesterday she had her first photo shoot with my Mom and my daughter, who were seeing her for the first time. They were totally gaga with her.

Debbi~ Very jealous that you got your first tomato already I bet it was delicious! Mine are just starting to produce a few little yellow flowers.
I have been eating all the snap peas that are ready. I love peas right off the vine. Been busy still picking the ever-bearing strawberries and the newly ripe huckleberries, raspberries and blueberries. Waiting on the Salmon berries to ripen, YUMMY!. Salmon berries are wild all over our property along with the blackberries and Oregon Grape, will have tons of jams and jellies this year.

What's Olivia up to?
I currently have 3 broodies. I gave 2 of them chicks, Darryl (my Splash girl) and my Welsummer hen. The other broody, #96, one of the moms to your girls and one of your boys that you had from me, is broody now too.
For cryin' out loud I can see it coming, I know that it is contagious and they are all going to start going one by one now. LOL!

Cad~ Can't wait to see more photos of him.

Christie Rhae~ GOOD JOB!!!!!!! I can't do the actual deed (unless some unruly young hormonal male decides to get froggy) but I can help with all the processing. You go girl!
thanks Kim...I was soooo bummed when I saw he hadn't made it, but like Donna said, it wasn't meant to be. I would love to be hatching buddies later on with them. I think I will go ahead and do a bit of hatching from some of my own birchens here too around the same time since I culled them so severely, so I can see what I can produce and get a leg up on next spring. I'm determined to get all my Marans where I know they can go!

I hope to see lots of pics of your current babies as they grow!
well it's over 105 and I hosed the birds down set up a fan to help out a few it seems the water must feel better then they go and dust the forecast is for over 115 so it's getting there I know I'm wet looks like we have smoke from the fire that was close but now contained welcome to summer not
I hope your birds are able to stay cool. I was reading something interesting yesterday....let me go find it for you about helping birds cope with heat. I'll post it if I can find it again.

ok..found it finally!
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I had this idea too!! Couldn't convince the shipper of doing it though. Glad it worked for you!!

If there is no one closer, I'm in Mass near the RI border.
Thanks for responding! I have some french black copper marans cockerels that I need an opinion on. I will post pics.

I hope your birds are able to stay cool. I was reading something interesting yesterday....let me go find it for you about helping birds cope with heat. I'll post it if I can find it again.

ok..found it finally!
Thanks I'm going back out to check on them so I'll add some baking soda to the water it can't hurt but when they die they do have the purple combs.....darn heat will not go down until Friday at least this time it gradually got hot not 90 one day then 113 for 3 I'm hoping the fan will do the trick
I heard about the heat wave coming back to New England this week..... of course just in time for my hatching eggs that are moving cross country from pink! I sure hope they make it....... my broodies are such sticklers this summer. They seem to do better then all the others that are out walking about or laying when it comes to the heat. I keep a fan in the coop- which may help- they sure seem comfortable!

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