Marans Thread for Posting Pics of Your Eggs, Chicks and Chickens

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I haven't figured it out! I have seen all three in the box, but I am getting just one identical egg in the nest box every day. All three don't have really red faces yet, sometimes they blush, then they are watermelon pink again or even lighter a few minutes later. Wish I knew. I put a few under a silkie just in case they might be fertile/hatchable. Cross your fingers for me. I have three girls. Adele has four. When hers start to lay she was planning to bring them over. That should be GREAT! I'm so happy! I was getting worried when I was seeing other people's eggs look kinda "not so dark" even from well known breeder's stock. At least I have a sound start. Best eggs I ever bought!
Yeah, Patty!! I'm so glad yours have started to lay. I think our hens are about the same age. Mine are just starting on their 21st week. I keep looking around but no signs of nesting. They haven't even looked at their boxes yet. I have my fingers crossed that my eggs will be as dark and as big as yours.
That is SO sweet of you, Tina! :) I responded to your PM, sorry I didn't see it before!

I hatch pretty much year `round so whenever. :) Thanks so much! Just let me know details for $ for shipping, etc. :)
Well, call me a skeptic, but have to say I think I have seen a little bit of the opposite as well. I have to scratch my head when I see people posting pictures of eggs that look like 9s on the scale and saying that is what all their eggs look like.

Anyway your eggs are lovely.

Ok, so you may also want to call me a blasphemer, but I have been meaning to post this question. There is one person on this site who crosses her Marans and Welsummers and her eggs from the offspring look really pretty. So I ended up wondering if anyone has crossed the Marans with Penedesencas? I know that some breeders say even mixing different Marans lines can mess up the egg color, but the Penedesenca egg pics I have seen look as dark as dark Marans eggs. Maybe most of them do not lay that dark. I guess not many people own them.

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone had heard about it or had any opinions about it.
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Beautiful Eggs girls, I too hope to be seeing some lovely chocolate browns in the next few months. I wonder though as my Marans are growing I have noticed that 3 of them have yellowish orange feet and the others grayish legs. Why is this? I ordered Cuckoo Marans did I get a mixture of something else?


What do I have ?? Cuckoo Marans?


another type of Marans? Or something else?

Anyone ones help on this would be great... Thanks Karan
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They are probably cross bred with something that has yellow legs, here is a quote from the french site:

Standard of the Marans

Yellow on shanks or toes. White ear lobes.

But they are very pretty birds! I wonder if they will lay very dark eggs? Sometimes the intent of cross breeding was to lose the standard in the quality of bird, but increase the egg quality. Shame but you could still get great eggs, just dont breed or sell the eggs as Cuckoo Marans?
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I dunno either, but I sure would like to find out, or try! I have seen what Delaware/Marans eggs are like and thats a mix I am definitely planning on. Talk about a funny result! If I get Penedesencas this Spring, I will plan some cross breeding projects and see, okay?? Just for my own flock, and if anyone else is interested, we could make arrangements!

Right now I need to get a good lead on Penedesencas! They're on my wish list still!
Not too long ago someone posted a picture of a couple Golden Campines from a hatchery. They were beautiful birds but one had green legs and one had slate legs. Slate is the correct color for the standard apparently. Someone else said that the gene for green legs (actually linked to yellow skin) can hide for generations and then pop out on a chick or chicks. And that it is a difficult gene to get rid of. So it may just mean that there were accidental crosses several generations ago behind those birds. Accept that with 3 of them showing yellow skin it seems less random.
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