Marans Thread for Posting Pics of Your Eggs, Chicks and Chickens

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Hey ninjapoodles, what pretty birds! I love the Orps and Cuckoos together! Pretty contrast!
I was curious, How come you do so many neat things, but say you're a terrrible gardener?? There has to be a story here!
Working Mom, Wife, Soapmaker, Terrible Gardener, Blogger, Hobby Photographer, Raiser of various animals:
Champion poodles, Arabian horses, 2 useless cats,
Chickens: Orpingtons, Marans, White Rocks and Easter Eggers; Narragansett Turkeys​

Because I bring the gardening suck, like no one you know.
Seriously, I am bad at it. I even put in three Square Foot Gardens this year, following instructions exactly. I don't think the plants would have died any faster if I'd just used RoundUp on them. I may try again next year...I haven't killed the tomatoes and peppers yet.

Well, keep trying! At least you're getting tomatoes and squash! I used to be a fantastic gardener, I even get all excited when spring is coming, gettting my ground ready, making seedlings in the house.....and then this year - not so great!
First, I got alot more chickens! They need alot of upkeep, dont they? Then, I got the gopher from h*%%. Then, well, the plants got covered with large weeds/grass cause I lost control during our evacuation, and it's a mess! I just pick what I find and toss it to the Chicken kids! Maybe next year!
Where did you get instructions for the Three Square foot gardens? Are they raised beds or in the ground? I have to change my methods cause this way is not working out! I have a huge WEED garden!
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I got the book by Mel Bartholomew. He has a website, too. I actually think it's a very good system, and weeds are NOT a problem. My biggest challenge was bugs. I had some gorgeous broccoli and cauliflower that was decimated by cabbage moths. And some other kind of bug ate every one of the squash plants. I can't even remember what all I planted and lost, now! If I try again next year, I might invest in row covers. Or voodoo.
I'm thinkin voodoo will make more sense to the bugs! They would probably enjoy eating the plants "undercover"! I forgot about the rabid bug problem I had at first too! I lost three rows of plants to must have exploded cause when it was done it never came back? This year I started over 144 plants and lost two small greenhouses full to high winds/getting crushed....Started over and bought plants from a nursery....The rabid bug ate three rows...replanted again and, well, here I am....

I'll look up the book though, we need help here!

How big do the row covers need to be? Are they really expensive? It could be a good investment if you can reuse them? Our winds in the spring get up to 70 mph, except for the freak ones, that go up to 100 mph...I wonder if they can be secured well enough? I tried using row covers for the ground on half of my garden to control the weeds, and the wind ripped them off of the stakes? Weeds are strong though! Oh, it's not a total loss, my chickens love the greens! I take them several arms full all the time, they love it!
squash bugs will swoop in and decimate a plant before your very eyes. I found a good spray that took care of them,but I had to keep a close eye to make sure they didn't come back.
You don't eat your eggs? Do you sell them?

I think that is so funny!

I love to grow tomatoes, but I hate eating them..... I give them away, mostly to DH, but others too.
Oh yes, I do sell my eggs to people at work, and there are never enough! People bring me their egg cartons too, so I get those for free! I love to gather the eggs, touch the eggs, look at the eggs, and share them with others....but I dont care for the taste much? My family does get to eat some
They dont share my dislike of the flavor/texture

I love to grow and eat tomatoes! But I used to grow really pretty egg plant, and to tell you the truth, it didnt go over so well here - I couldnt make it so that any of us would like it? I just gave it all away too!

MMMM, eggss, pretty eggsss (Marans on the right)
How do people react when they get your eggs?

You have 2 that are super big, it makes the small ones look smaller. Does anyone complain?

I LOVE the Maran ones.

Do you have people that don't like the dark Maran eggs?

I am just super curious.
Love your egg pictures. I have a question, on the previous page do a couple of those eggs have a pink tint? Looks like it. Who laid those??

and in this picture, who laid the whoppers in the middle????? Are those chicken eggs?
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