Marans Thread for Posting Pics of Your Eggs, Chicks and Chickens

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well I hope mine get darker, if not I am gonna have to search for eggs that are a 6 or darker as I really need to add darker color to my flock. I dont keep up with the breeders like I should, who consistently has eggs that are over a 7? if anyone here does I would very much like to purchase a few chicks or eggs from them. I reall thought out of these 4 I would have some nice egg layers, the birds themselves are very nice and have a wonderful green sheen and good copper coloring.
sorry to say but that is a roo you are holding. although a very cute one
at least thats how I would sex it.

I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you about it being a 8 weeks old...the comb should be bigger and so should the wattles. I say pullet.
to me that is not an 8 week old bird. looks 5-6 weeks to me. and look at its tail I would think it would be fuller if a pullet. I think if the bird is really 4-5 weeks old then yes its a boy, if it really is 8 weeks old then perhaps a girl. Obviously I am no expert but that is my guess. My females all have tails by that age.
I've culled my 17 boys down to 4. Please share your thoughts on which TWO you would keep if you were me. I plan to breed for dark eggs, but would like to keep the two that are closest to meeting the standard. Let me know what you think.


Okay, one at a time now.
Bachelor #1 Blue leg band
He hasn't completely feathered out in the breast. Spots of copper...How much is acceptable?



Bacheklor #2 Green leg band
This guy has a whole lot more black in the hackles underneath. Is this good or bad? His copper appears to be deeper, too. Not near as flashy as the others, but I like him best!




Bachelor #3 Red leg band
This guy has the worst personality and would be my first choice to leave. He has a bit of gold underneath the copper hackles. Anybody see any reason he should stay?


Bachelor #4-No leg band


Thanks guys. I figured the blue copper was created by mating a black copper to a blue, but didnt know if it was a one generation thing, or would require several generations to get copper back in right.
I like 4 the best or number 1 I dont like the comb on 2 as much... but if you can I would wait a while longer and see how the tails come in. and how they look fully featherd out.

Marty my roo was really scraggly in the begining and feathered in wonderfully so its hard to tell but if you hve to break it down go with your gut and take into consideration the personalities as well.
I would certainly ditch the guy with the bad attitude... that's not something worth breeding into your line.
I had a beautiful roo, but attacked me EVERY chance he got. No "sensitivity" training I tried worked on him.
I don't tolerate that kind of behavior... so, I no longer have a roo for my BCM hens.
We have all kinds of other roos that get along with us and each other just fine, but he was a sour grape!
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