March 2023 hatch-a-long

Thank you for your reply
I will definitely do the slope side thing this time. I was wondering how everyone can see their eggs pipping
This is my third time incubating. First time was a miserable fail lol I didn't know anything about incubating
I feel like everytime I open and candle them I was rushing it and trying to keep it really quick
Just did a quick candle ( I was trying not to candle till day 14 or 18 and today is day 10 and I did a full candling on the 7th day. ) But it's so hard lol I did a quick one yesterday and pulled a blood ring one and again today ( both were questionable at last candling )
I am so bad with candling! LOL I normally peek at at least a couple every night. I am proud of myself if I manage to go one night that I don't candle any. haahaa I think I am going to candle tonight and mark air cells not sure though I may wait.... last time I didn't mark them until day 14 for some that were ? on size but most I waited till lockdown...... but where these are shipped I may candle more.
All three babies made it! Last one hatched sometime between 11 and 4:00 am! 😍

I candled some of the eggs today. All duck eggs are doing GREAT! I marked their air cells. I have 5 Ayam Cemani eggs I’m not sure about yet, 5 that I see veins in but can’t see a baby (may just be my light cause some are REALLY hard to see into), and 5 that I can see a baby in. I had 2 of my Pavlovskaya eggs not fertilized but the others are and doing fantastic! The Cochin eggs are also hanging in there.

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