Me too.

Hopefully we don't get pounded by this ice headed our way.
I actually am looking forward to some snow. I leave really close to the Chesapeake. We almost never get snow because of the warm air coming from the Chesapeake. Can you send some snow our way? But not too much that we lose power. I have eggs hatching today in the incubator

Maybe I should call this one Snow? or Ice?
I don't care about snow..I would happily send that your way (we got plenty where we used to live in Lothian, a little south of Annapolis)..but up my way, they are talking ice with power outages. YUCK. Without power, we lose heat and water. Someone stole our portable generator 2 years ago, and the previous owners of this place took the standby generator when the bank foreclosed. They installed gas logs n the fireplace that have a fail safe so you can't light them with a match, and the propane company said the line from the tank to the fireplace is no longer code and refused to fill the tank. Hoping my neighbor is right when he says we never lose power up here..Today is supposed to just be yucky with the nasty stuff moving in on Sunday sometime.

Cute baby ;) There is something so refreshing about a new chick.
We have rain here in Upper Marlboro. Lots of rain. But at least it is 60 degrees right now. If you really get in a bind and lose power, let me know. I may have a friend with a portable generator that you can borrow.

The chicks that are hatching are Sulmtalers. I am hoping that I can put them in with my SFH as I am out of space everywhere else. Do you think the Swedes and the Austrians will get along?
We won't be able to get off our mountain, lol. The driveway is 500 feet straight down a 35 degree incline! But nice offer...

My Swedes get along with everything as long as there is enough space and they have room to roam. The SFH roosters do tend to be dominant and randy IME, so I'd suggest making sure your other roosters are not prone to fighting or you will have arguments. But hopefully it works for you.
Won't help you this time around, but in the spring I'll have fertile Amaraucana eggs, as well as Pekin, and possibly Khaki Campbell duck eggs. I'll have an assortment of "mutt" chicken eggs, but the rooster(s) are Amaraucanas and of course the "full breed" eggs will be easy to identify. I love my blue/green eggs..

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