Hello from Calvert County, MD.I do not have chickens yet, but will remedy that very soon! Hi to all the other Southern Maryland peeps! Right now working on fixing up our old coop..or maybe building a new one. Too much to do here on our horse farm, and chickens are not hubby's priority. They have become my obsession! LAst year it was hermit crabs (which I still have/love)! This year Chickens! I think the most fun for me is learning about the different critters. I hope to get about 4-6 hens (originaly it was 2-4 maybe). Just for my own use and will prob give them to friends and family and my riding students of course. I think eventually I want a barred rock, an orphington, an austrolorp, a brown leghorn, and a couple easter eggers. I like the idea of different colored eggs and chickens. I have checked out just about anything I can find on different breeds and was looking for good egg layers with friendly temperments.
So SOMD peeps, where are the best places to shop for chicken supplies etc.? Have not been to tractor supply yet, been to a couple Southern States, and we have a little farm store about 5 min down the road that I have checked out. Anyone know anything about the chickens they sell at the charlotte hall farmersmarket? are they chicks, pullets, straight run, full grown? I always see them posted, but whenever we go there are usually no chickens there!
Iv stoped into the Charlotte Hall market a few times while working in the area.When i was there,they had straight run chicks and pullets.Didnt have a whole lot there and were priced pretty high.We like the different colored eggs too.Weve got 12 hens right now.4 buff orp,1 light brahma,2 barred rocks,2 aracanas,and 3 rhode isl reds.Id also like to get a white leghorn hen soon.IKt would be a drive for ya but theirs a real cool auction near me.Its in Delaware near Dover.Probably 2.5 hrs from your area though.Sell lots of chickens,etc every wednesday night.
Wondering if anybody here in Md have a couple Maran hens you would sell?My wife would like to have some dark eggs in the bunch.Let me know please,thanks.410-490-3759
Thought I would post here to see if anyone would be interested in a few chicks I have left, they are between 3-4 weeks old. I have few silkies and d'uccles. I also have pullets of each a Splash Marans, Barnvelder, Buff Rock and Production Red. I'm on the Easternshore of Maryland, pick up only.
  • Hello! I'm on the eastern shore of MD, just 2 miles west of Chestertown. I want to start a small flock of bantam chicks. Females! It seems impossible to do. I can't take care of 15 baby chicks and I can't afford to buy the ones sold at MPC. They want $10 a chick with a minimum order of 9 chicks. They say they can guarantee a 90% correct sexing. I've had the heavy breeds before. Now I'm older and slower! I just want a few chickens pecking around the back yard. I want the clean-legged banties: I have a small garden and want to work it with chickens scratching along side me. I've had silkies and they just aren't for me. If anyone out there knows where I could find Sebrights, Old English game, Japanese bantams, Araucana/Americana, etc female chicks please let me know. I'm also interested in splitting an order of chicks with other people that are in the same boat I'm in! Our local farm and garden store can place orders as long as the number is 15. Hope to hear from you all soon.
Some hatcheries have juvenile pullets..not sure about banties. At least then you do not have to wrry about brooders and such.
Thanks for the idea. I've checked and can't find a hatchery without driving 2 hrs. But maybe I can find a farmer that keeps banties separate from the heavy breeds. I'm in a rural area. Farms all around me. Wish me luck!
Meyer hatchery will ship the juveniles..dont think there is a minimum order. But again not sure if they are just standard.
Hi there! I am in Northern Baltimore County and My family and I (me, hubby and 3 human chicks) just recently acquired 6 leghorn chicks. We are loving like with our new baby flock and eager to learn as much as we can. My husband is from Ohio and is an OSU graduate so when we learned that there is a hybrid breed of Buckeyes we know we'll be adding a few of those to the family eventually too. Hoping to eventually have a flock of 12 but we will get started with our 6 and see how things go from there.

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