Hey peeps! I have a few cockerels that are going to be processed in the next 2 weeks but thought I would make sure nobody needed them before the deed is done.

3 Buff Orp's,

1 Australorp

1 Olive Egger (with a pea comb so carrying the colored egg gene.) The OE father was a Black Copper/Cuckoo Marans, bred with true Ameraucana. This guy is 5 months and all ready HUGE!

I am in Park Hall 20667
Hi there MD peeps! I started with chicks this spring and never thought I would become so attached to a flock of birds. In the spring when the "girls" went out to their coop, one of them let out a really loud "cock-a-doodle-doo" needless to say, she is really a he! It wasn't a problem all summer and he is really a sweet boy. Today the county zoning official knocked on my door and told me I had two weeks to get rid of him because of complaints from the neighbors. I really don't want him killed and he is really a beautiful roo.


I live in NE Carroll County but am willing to transport him to a good home. I really do not want him to be killed!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
We had the same problem, but had 2 roosters. Rights of Man farm in Frederick County took ours. I spoke to them at a farmers market. They are happily running around their farm with lots of ladies to play with. :)
Mel, have you tried posting on the Baltimore and Frederick Craigslist? If you include the picture of your roo (he is so beautiful) I am sure you will find a good home for him. Good luck!
I am just afraid of what might happen to him if I put him on craig's list. You know people will tell you what you want to hear and I am afraid he will end up in a fighting ring or something. I thought by putting him on here I would at least get people who loved and appreciated him.
melgauthier, sorry I can't help. Your roo is beautiful! Have you tried putting a pic up at your local feed store? I had to re-home several roos and that worked good for me. I took them to their new homes and it was reassuring to see where they were going - I knew they could be happy. Farmers in my area were glad to get a friendly, healthy rooster and it wasn't very time-consuming, just a little gas!
I am just afraid of what might happen to him if I put him on craig's list. You know people will tell you what you want to hear and I am afraid he will end up in a fighting ring or something. I thought by putting him on here I would at least get people who loved and appreciated him.
It truly is a risk. I have had good and bad experiences with Craigslist and chickens. One of the bad ones just happened 2 hours ago. A lady said that she wanted all of my chickens (there were quite a few). She said they had just moved onto a large farm and wanted to have lots of chickens. Wanted to have them as pets and to hatch chicks. Sounds great right? For some reason I Googled the phone # she gave me, and a chicken farm popped up. The very breeds of chickens she was getting from me she was selling for $20-$30 more each. Not to mention the dishonesty to her customers( farm raised, 100 % organic fed, and disease free, my butt!!) She has no idea of how I've raised my birds! A few jerks can really ruin it for some people, because now I'm leery to sell them to anyone. Just be careful.
melgauthier, sorry I can't help. Your roo is beautiful! Have you tried putting a pic up at your local feed store? I had to re-home several roos and that worked good for me. I took them to their new homes and it was reassuring to see where they were going - I knew they could be happy. Farmers in my area were glad to get a friendly, healthy rooster and it wasn't very time-consuming, just a little gas!
Phyrst- I saw that you commented on BHep's Serama Eggs For Sale. I was considering getting some but worried about the delicacy and USPS. The distance would have been about the same for you. Were the air cells intact, hatch rate etc? Any info appreciated.

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