
Oh, WoW, peachick- I just looked at your photo album from your signature line. You have such an assortment. You have Silkies and Sebastopols? You are 3 hours or so from me, but I might consider a visit when weather gets warmer. I might be tempted to chicken-nap and goose-nap a few though LOL

AWWWWW thanks!! as long as its boys your stealing.... come and get em!! LOL
I'll be In VA this weekend at the poultry show.... anyone else going?? web site is

yup it snowed here... I stayed indoors :)
I live near St. Michaels. You'd think that Delmarva , being the 'chicken capital' of the Mid-Atlantic, would mean that supplies would be easy to find but that's not the case. I have had to run all around getting feeders,litter, food and stuff. The nearest Tractor Supply is in Dover so that's where I shop.

I had to Google Stockton....boy that's wayyy down there!

Here's our coop. It was just delivered. The Amish custom built it for our girls. I'll get a shot of the inside once we are done remodeling. They built the nest boxes on the floor and did not fully enclose the coop section from the storage section.
We will start building the run this weekend.


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We are looking forward to getting the girls out of the bathroom of EasTurd Hills farm house and into the new coop. It is a bit chilly here on Maryland's eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay so we have to wait until they have all their feathers.

Anyone have any input on when we should be letting them outside in the new yard this winter???
Yup - I think I'm about 3 miles from the VA line...and I work at Assateague...longish drive, but so much better than when I lived "across the bridge."

Your coop is bee-yooo-tee-fulll!!! Wish I could have one like that...but I'm designing mine with what I have laying around...
I'm in MN/WI, but my son goes back and forth regularly from here to Adelphi, MD where his dad lives.... I see chicken trading in the future!!
I am in mid -Delaware, Smyrna. Can't believe there is no Southern States store in easterm shore Md. - what a shame! Or an oportunity?

No chickens yet for me -- I just got the chicken ark on e-bay from Cumfy Pets in England. Planning to get some chicks in Spring. Would love to find a local breeder for Orpingtons, EEs, or Australorps.

Love this list!


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