

So I just made a thread about New England breeders, the idea was to maybe make sort of a central list type thing instead of having to dig through while threads. It really hasn't had any activity since I posted it late last night and so it was suggested to me that I post about it in the various New England threads.

Sooooo, if you're interested, please check it out and share what you breed and whatnot :)
Hi guys! Rhode Islander here. I just finished my coop and I am looking to buy 5 pullets but I am having a really hard time finding them. Even the online hatcheries are selling out. Let me know if you guys know anyone around here selling!
Ventura Grains is selling chicks. Not sure if they would know anyone who sells pullets, but you might be able to call and ask them. They are located in Taunton MA
I know this wasn't directed to me but I've never heard of ventura but they seem cool! And in the same town as TSC! Of course the Plympton TSC is closer to us but still. But I didn't see it when we went to the Taunton TSC once so assuming Ventura is nowhere near it????
Excellent! Thanks for this. I'm currently looking for a few Ameraucana/Araucana/Easter egger chicks in MA.


I'm not sure of any breeders personally, but I have seen a few straight run EE's on Craigslist. I would say your best best would be sexed pullets from

They have 14 EE chicks avail for shipping on the 6th! You can get as few as 4 standard size.
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Ventura Grains chick list. The staff is super nice and helpful! 128 longmeadow Rd Taunton MA. Look them up on Facebook too. I've gotten my chicks there last year and this year with no issues what so ever.

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