Match me a breed.

Hmmm.....may I suggest sussexs? They go broody some, lay pretty well, aren't too small, don't mind confinement, and come in beautiful colors (my favorite of which are colombian and mottled/speckled) have clean legs, and I haven't heard of them being aggressive. I would suggest leghorns as well, but they're not at all broody.
Hmmm.....may I suggest sussexs? They go broody some, lay pretty well, aren't too small, don't mind confinement, and come in beautiful colors (my favorite of which are colombian and mottled/speckled) have clean legs, and I haven't heard of them being aggressive. I would suggest leghorns as well, but they're not at all broody.
I'm thinking Orpington, but you don't want the color Buff. There is other colors like Chocolate, Lavender, and Jubilee, but those can be rare. I did have great luck with Buff Comets, but those are a hybrid that you might have to breed yourself. If it wasn't for aggression, I'd suggest the Old English Game. You can get those as Standards. I've had some, and they were great. Great foragers, though the youngers didn't care for confinement. Great mothers, did good during the winter, and were pretty without much fluff. A hybrid like a Sex-Link would be good all around, but won't be good mothers and can be mean sometimes. I guess my best suggestion is Buff Comets, but getting them already bred, might be a problem. My Buff Comet's parents were a Buff Orpington father and a Golden Comet mother. They had a darker Buff color with white tails. Also, Easter Eggers are a good one, but ain't good mothers (at least out of the ones that I've had). They do good in confinement, not too fluffy, especially if you can get some beardless. Those are quite common. Plymouth Rocks are another one, but again, I've never seen one broody. Tetra Tints you might be able to get at Tractor Supply. I think that I had one that went broody in a secret nest, but I think something must of got her because she had disappeared and shortly after is when I found the nest. There was never any feathers found of her, so I think a fox carried her off to it's den. My Tetra Tints were great hens, though they were supposed to be Jersey Giants. Tetra Tints are another hybrid. They're also known as Amber Stars.
Orps are too fluffy, I think.
Mine hates warm weather. She sits around gasping with her wings flopped out.
Easter Eggers are another great one. But you do get variations in shape, size, color, and personality. But almost always, they will have a gorgeous pattern and sweet personalities.
Looking for more ideas besides the ones I already NEED. (Java and Brabanter.) Much prefer recommendations from people that have or have had the breed. WAY too much conflicting info when you just "google". Look at 4 different sites and they generally say 4 different things. Which is accurate? It is quite obvious most sites are just copying what they read on a another site, rather than speaking from personal experience.

"Requirements" are:

#1 Larger size. (So no bantys, silkies etc...)

#2 Tends to go broody.

#3 Cold hardy, BUT won't suffer too much in the heat. (VERY low humidity though as I live in the high desert.)

#4 PRETTY! (I don't like plain old white, buff, etc... But I DO like solid black. LOVE mottled and spangled.)

#5 Not overly fluffy, Especially in the butt feathers. (So nothing like English Opringtons.) Just NOT practical in my area.


#7. Docile temperaments. ( I don't DO aggressive animals of ANY kind. I don't take that crap from cattle or horses. Not having it from a bird either!) They don't have to be the "pet" type wanting to sit on my lap, but no going after me for sport either.) Also don't want any that are known for being on the aggressive side with flock mates. I'm not talking about "pecking order". Of course THAT is natural. I mean jerks that like to beat up on others for sport.

#8. No care at all for egg color nor number of eggs as that is not the reason for having them.

#9. Need to be tolerant of confinement. Will have large outdoor run, but no free ranging in the winter, so they need to be OK with that.

So what say you? Am I looking for a unicorn? Or do any of you have ideas for me to look into. Also wanted to say I will NOT be going the hatchery route. So no need to go into breeds that are overly rare and have 1 breeder in the USA that is on the east coast and doesn't ship! LOL
The reason you get conflicting information is that different lines within the same breed can be DRAMATICALLY different. For example, Leghorns are "known" to be a very flighty, scrawy, thrifty breed but my standardbred brown leghorns are heavy, big eaters, and are NOT flighty.

Based on your list, though, I'd say look for a good breeder line of Wyandottes. The laced varieties are among the most beautiful patterns out there, and with their rose combs and heavy bodies, they are a popular choice for northern climes for good reason. Interview breeders carefully to be sure THEIR specific birds meet your needs, though!
Have you checked out Greenfire Farms? They have some gorgeous and interesting breeds, many of which meet your standards. I have personally never ordered from them though.

I have seen several folks suggest a Welsummer, I love my Welsummer and she was actually hand raised, but even with all the extra love, she is an extremely flighty bird. Not for "pet" chickens, but her eggs are beautiful.

My personal recommendation is an Ameraucana. They check off everything on your list, and have more protentional for any easy market (in my opinion) if you wanted to sell chicks. Mine has been the BEST mom. Went broody four times last year, broke her twice and let her hatch twice. She has been laying all winter, undoubtable due to her numerous broody breaks.


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