Mature day old eggs


9 Years
Jul 16, 2010
We have recently noticed more blood in our eggs. I thought that would nbe easy enough to diagnose. However, we now are seeing fully developing chicks in day old eggs. We cleaned out the coop so we are sure they are new eggs. Has anyone heard of this before. I know I have too many roosters at a 4 roo to 14 hen ratio. If I remove the roos will that help. The hens are 18mnths and white leg horns.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
at 1 day old a developing chick would only be a germinal disk.... what exactly are you seeing? If it's a blood spot it was there when the egg was laid and is from the hen - not a chick. Do you have a picture?
No, it isn't a blood spot. The bloody yolks are one problem that I have heard of before and think can fix. Other eggs, that are only a day laid, have fully developed chicks that look like they are 14-16 days old. It looks like it has been in the hen for a couple weeks before she lays it. We chucked all the eggs when we cleaned the coop and the next day had one in the box. We cracked it open and there was a full developed chick in there. I'll get a picture if it happens again.
You dont have chickens, you have a rare breed of marsupial fowl. The chicken is keeping the egg in her special pouch, keeping them warm
Could you clarify the statement highlighted above? As in, what are you calling "fully developing chicks in day old eggs"?

Because if it's true, you have a heck of a story to sell to the National Enquirer. Chicks take 21 +/- days to develop.

You have an error in the system or someone is pulling your leg.
What do the shells look like.

When an egg is sat on by a hen over a period of time it will look smooth/even shiny compared to a freshly laid egg which will look dull /grainy.

Is it possible that you have missed the egg when collecting them? i do this all the time, i use shavings so they can get buried

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