MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

I am jealous! Lol
I shouls probably try some. Here we have a lot of fish, lobster, crab, shrimp, etc. Used to love striper (striped bass) when we caught it but not big now. Never had blue fish or salmon. I just avoid most seafood and odd foods.
Wow that's a lot! I hear gator is big in Florida, my parents say they have had it. I hear it's like chicken?? I gotta try some weird foods haha

What I'd like to do though is go camping or like the survival shows without actually being in danger and learn what to eat and not to eat but also try the food there
I'm from the south and spent time out west and in the Midwest so I've eaten food from just about every area in the US.
I had a chick that got a leg injury too at about the same age. She was run over by the other chicks. I thought we would have to cull her. But we built a "hospital"for her. Basically it was a small box covered with hardware cloth and placed it in the brooder. (I have a fairly large brooder) She had her own food and water and heat. She was happy with this arrangement because she could see everyone. She continued to eat and drink so we kept trying to help her. I gave her a small sock rolled up beside the harare cloth. She would sleep on top of it right by the wire so she was close to the others. After about a week she seemed a bit better and she was squawking for the others. So we put her back with everyone and she is fine. Wouldn't know she was ever injured.

But I also looked at slipped tendon. Hope yours gets better like mine did.

I was reading about the slipped tendon. I have a 7:00 appt tomorrow morning with the only vet I know who sees chickens ... I hope she makes it! She's my daughters favorite!
I'm from the south and spent time out west and in the Midwest so I've eaten food from just about every area in the US.

I need to eat more interesting stuff

Unless it's alcohol, steak or cheese I'd say stay away from food stuffs that has been "aged" for long periods of time. :D

LOL good plan! I already do that though :p

Okay, thanks.
It's best that way.

Trueeee. I'll stop asking lol

I have a mix of EE, OE, Maran and a couple BOxBCM eggs that we are hatching in my sixth grade classroom. This is my first ever hatch, I am using a Brinsea Advance 20 (18 eggs total).

We candeled today at day 12 and saw movement in five eggs. It was very fun because I darkened the room and projected the eggs onto the screen as I candeled. I couldn't believe how excited my sixth graders got when they moved! Some of the OE and BCM eggs were very difficult to see through, so if anyone has tips, I'd love them!

Hatch day projected at 5/17.


I have a mix of EE, OE, Maran and a couple BOxBCM eggs that we are hatching in my sixth grade classroom.  This is my first ever hatch, I am using a Brinsea Advance 20 (18 eggs total).

We candeled today at day 12 and saw movement in five eggs. It was very fun because I darkened the room and projected the eggs onto the screen as I candeled.  I couldn't believe how excited my sixth graders got when they moved! Some of the OE and BCM eggs were very difficult to see through, so if anyone has tips, I'd love them!  

Hatch day projected at 5/17.

Welcome and good luck.
Here we don't have gator to eat. But Rocky mountain oysters are popular. There are even testicle festivals in some of the smaller towns during branding season. Have eaten bear, elk, deer, antelope, rabbit, goat, sheep, snake, and all the regular stuff, and crawdads I caught in a reservoir, and whatever fish are big enough. Neighbor has a Jersey cow so there's fresh milk for the kids. Folks raise red Angus so fat steaks for special occasions. And we have some of the best microbreweies around. Viva beer
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