MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Those ducklings are adorable! How do you now what gender they are? Did you vent sex them? I hope things go well with your broody.
Male ducks (drakes) have a phallus. So, it is like vent sexing where you check the vent. If something sticks out it is a boy. If nothing sticks out it is a girl. It sounds simple, but can be a little difficult when first learning the technique. So far, I have had 100% accuracy when sexing my ducks, but that doesn't mean that it is always right. Here is a metzerfarms video that shows the technique.

I think I'll be putting in about 40 rhode island red x ee eggs in the next week.

May i ask, where do most of you get your fowl leg bands from? I want to order some but am not sure where the best place is. My local farm store only has size 9 and 11.
I use mini rubber bands from those rubber-band bracelets to I.D. babies, but those are only temporary until I sort/sell.
I was going to be done hatching for this year, but one of my hens decided to go broody. So, you know... why not? Today I gave her 6 barnyard mix eggs to try and hatch out. Her first time, so we'll see how it goes!
I've got a broody on day 6, so hatch day 22nd May. I candled yesterday and saw development in some of the eggs. 9 were too dark for me to see anything, 2 bantam eggs anf 3 LF eggs doing well, 1 bantam egg looks infertile but I left if with her just in case, 1 bantam egg with a blood ring so removed.
I'm 500+ posts behind but school is coming to an end for my bigger kids so trying to get summer plans ready so they aren't completely bored. And my 1 year old is trying to start the "terrible twos" early
so I'm way behind. But a quick little update. I set 14 eggs on May 1st. 7 white leghorns and 7 black sex links. They are with what I believe to be a Black Cooper Maran roo but I could be wrong. While doing a quick fertility check on day 5 all my black sex link eggs look to be fertile and growing. My leghorns are duds except 2 that look like they tried very minimum and stopped. Just a streak of a vein. I believe this is because of her age because I know the rooster is doing his job. I've seen him constantly getting her. My black sex link is just over a year old now. Is she still considered a pullet? Anyways today is day 6 so I will candle tomorrow and pull any that are duds. I let the leghorns sit for a few more days just in case but I'm not hopeful. I'm patiently waiting for my ducks to start laying and for my babies to get bigger so I will have RIR, RSL, and barred rock eggs.

I'm glad you are having some development. I hope everyone else starts laying soon.

I think I'll be putting in about 40 rhode island red x ee eggs in the next week.

May i ask, where do most of you get your fowl leg bands from? I want to order some but am not sure where the best place is. My local farm store only has size 9 and 11.
Good luck! Don't know about leg bands.


It's lockdown day for me! All 13 have movement and look ready to get out of there.

Now I'm off to construct a brooder. Lord only knows where my last one ended up.
Great, good luck with the hatch!

I was going to be done hatching for this year, but one of my hens decided to go broody. So, you know... why not? Today I gave her 6 barnyard mix eggs to try and hatch out. Her first time, so we'll see how it goes!


I've got a broody on day 6, so hatch day 22nd May. I candled yesterday and saw development in some of the eggs. 9 were too dark for me to see anything, 2 bantam eggs anf 3 LF eggs doing well, 1 bantam egg looks infertile but I left if with her just in case, 1 bantam egg with a blood ring so removed.
Good luck!
Eggs cooking in the refrigerbator (aka: Barbie bator). I wonder if I have enough thermos and hygros. I think I see a few open spots where I can add a few more if needed...


@Ur-ur-ur-urrr Will you take another picture of the Barbie bator? I forget what it looks like.

Who doesn't like playing the guessing game? It's a shame all of these thermos and hygros actually matched readings...

You'd think $85 would fill the bator to overflowing... but it didn't...

Wonky air cells can wreak havoc on hatches. You've had a good run of bad luck, Blooie... it's time for a run of good luck!

Here you go, MC...

Oh, wait... I forgot... you seem partial to close-up pics of the viewing window. My bad...



w/ fantastic Prizes donated by…

Someone should donate an incubator
Male ducks (drakes) have a phallus. So, it is like vent sexing where you check the vent. If something sticks out it is a boy. If nothing sticks out it is a girl. It sounds simple, but can be a little difficult when first learning the technique. So far, I have had 100% accuracy when sexing my ducks, but that doesn't mean that it is always right. Here is a metzerfarms video that shows the technique.

I use mini rubber bands from those rubber-band bracelets to I.D. babies, but those are only temporary until I sort/sell.

It took me sometime before I even tried vent sexing but then I picked up on it very quick when I actually learned how to do it.

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