May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

Sorry about the bad quality, I had six eggs but only three were fertile. They all looked like this one. I got them online but I can’t remember were. They were all at 99.5 degrees in a brinsea incubator.
They all look like quitters :hugs

I would try again. I would say it’s the breeding stock and do not buy from them again. I would tell them only a few were fertile and the rest were quitters.
Thanks, I have already ordered some bantam eggs from a different supplier. Thanks for the advice!
I had bought some quail eggs on ebay and let me tell you... It was awful

I bought 17, they sent 22. Most were clears and only 4 hatched.

I bought from Myshire and things definitely changed. I bought 25 eggs, they sent 30. 5 were clear and the rest developed. Some have external pips right now so I will share them later.

Keep on trying because you will eventually find a breeder that is worth your time. Shipped eggs are harder because you are relying on someone else's packing of the eggs and the delivery service not to mishandle them.

I get my chicken eggs from my own flock so I have no one to blame, but me and my chickens. So far they have been good. Most have a 100% fertility rate and a 90% hatch rate.


Tell them to ship like this
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Oh, and yes, I do think the chick was stuck over night. It had started to zip when I went to bed and didn't make much progress by the time I woke up, so I helped it the rest of the way. I noticed curled toes immediately, which I had happen during my very first hatch with a marans chick that had also gotten stuck.

It's probably from that then, instead of the b2 deficiency, but it doesn't hurt to give it anyway! I hope the little one pulls through for you! How is she this morning?
Hi, I am a total beginner and I have just tried to hatch some buff Orpington eggs. It’s day 23 now and non have hatched. Cancelling shows that they might have died around day 11 but I don’t know why? Can anyone help?

There are so many factors when incubating that can cause quitters. Were the eggs shipped? From your flock? Locally sourced? What kind of incubator are you using? What settings did you keep it on? Do you have a secondary calibrated thermometer/hygrometer?

It could have been from an issue with the breeding flock, with your incubator, or with handling. All is very unknown without knowing more details. I'm sorry your hatch didn't go well!

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