May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

I really think I have a problem:oops:. Even as these babies hatch and we're nearing 23 that are outside plus the 10 downstairs, 4 drying in the incubator plus 5 pipped. I'm already contemplating another hatch to get babies out of my new roo. Someone stop me. By the way here is the new roo, his name is Mr. Butters (5yr old picked the name)
Its a terrible pic because none of these lil fluff balls wanted to cooperate but i have 10 healthy babies! I have 2 more in the incubator drying off with at least 5 more pips. Don't mind me I'm in my corner doing happy dances. So thankful I switched up the incubator top this hatch. I'll do a photo shoot later today to commemorate my most successful hatch ever.View attachment 2137909
Why do fluff balls resist the photos....
You were one of the people that I knew had good luck with them. ;) I know quite a few people have good luck with them. I wonder if they just had a batch or 2 during production that weren't quite right and ended up being lemons and I got one of those.
I bought a 4250, wouldn't hold temp, returned it for another (Amazon) and it wouldn't hold temp. I assume it wasn't built for a cool environment (60 degrees) and (returned it) built my own in frustration. Silver lining, I have added a second egg turner to my diy cabinet. It holds 82 🐔 eggs and has a .4 degree variance in temp top to bottom.

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