May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

Some of my Memorial chicks!!!


My first time broody has been sitting on 3 eggs for 20 days now. She has been such an amazing broody. There was no piping chirping or moving today- I am so very new to all of this! It was really warm today so she came off the nest for a few minutes for a drink so I got a good look at the eggs and nothing. Tomorrow is day 21 so I am so excited to see if anything happens!
So the silkie hatch is 14/16. 15 went into lockdown. These were shipped eggs so I’m very happy with the results! One was infertile and one is still in the incubator though there hasn’t been any pips and I checked, it looks like it passed prior to hatching. Going to let it sit in there for another few days and see what happens but I didn’t see any sign of life. My 12 year old daughter took these photos, tried to make them look professional,LOL. Four of the chicks are still in the “dryer“ but the group photo has the 10 other chicks in it. Got a nice mix of colors with several lavenders which is what I wanted. Thanks again to everyone on this thread for all the helpful advice, I’m sure this contributed to my successful hatch!:love
On another note my 7/9 Marans have pipped but one of them looks like it pipped on the wrong end! Should I do anything or just see what happens? This was about 12 hours ago and has not been any changes since. It’s at the top of the egg but way past where the air cell is.:confused:
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