MAY HATCH-A-LONG come join in

Another unsuccessful hatch. 3 chicks doing fine after hatching on day 23. Still leaving eggs in incubator another day. We think the temp in our house varies too much. We tried the dry hatch method this time. Oh well, we have our own eggs and will keep trying. So far we have hatched out 19 chicks and eventually we will replenish our flock( still 48 hens and 2 roos, but all getting older) Love hearing everyone's hatching stories.
Just did the last egg turning for the night, but couldn't resist checking in to see who's hatching. Congrats to all! Thanks for the adorable pics of some of the chicks too! Sending good hatching vibes out to all!
What kind of incubator are you using? I have a Brinsea Octogon 20 ECO and, even in school where the temps fluctuate a lot, we did very well with a hatche 12/12. The other teacher across the hall is using one of those styrofoam Hovabators, and after candling almost half of the eggs died early. The eggs in both cases came from my chickens so I know there was nothing wrong with them. You might want to consider a different incubator if you are having trouble with temperature fluctuations.
okay so far 8 out of 9 FCM's 6 turkeys plus 2 still in incubator had to help out and they still don't act right from 10,1 white Rock from 4, 6 meaties from 9. Not great % but from shipped eggs so okay. Put 27 Marans eggs in yesterday and 9 Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks will be starting 18 Bourbon Red turkey eggs tonight.
What kind of incubator are you using? I have a Brinsea Octogon 20 ECO and, even in school where the temps fluctuate a lot, we did very well with a hatche 12/12. The other teacher across the hall is using one of those styrofoam Hovabators, and after candling almost half of the eggs died early. The eggs in both cases came from my chickens so I know there was nothing wrong with them. You might want to consider a different incubator if you are having trouble with temperature fluctuations.

Thanks for your response. Yes we are using a hovabator 1602. It was what we could afford at the time. We just did the autopsy thing on the remaining eggs, and 4 were fully formed and likely died in the last couple of days. One pipped but got no further.. it was on the down side of the egg and I didn't see it. The rest weren't formed.. when we candled they looked iffy but we left them just in case. We will try enclosing this styro bator in our large homemade bator(which, incidently, worked well for ducks) and do the necessary adjustments for air flow and humidity. Also, I'm down to 2 roosters. Got 2 lovely australorp chicks and a yellow fuzzy butt. The last yellow one worked over 12 hours on zipping and got stuck. With nothing else pipping and day 24, i took the chick out, popped off the shell and put it back in to dry. It's fine now. Collecting eggs again.. forever the optimist..
well it sounds like everybody's hatchs are moving along.I have the worst time leaving them in the bator long enough to let the whole hatch complete.I have about 1/2 of the eggs hatched which started yesterday morning and it is getting crowded in there and steamy let alone a bit unruley.And every time I open the bator to get out the ones hatched the remaining all seem to stop dead in their tracks.
day 22...........again.

I hear peeping. Not as much as last night, but I do hear some.

Got nervous and candled and saw movement. BCM egg

I put another I'm getting heat fluctuations though. Once dropped to 97 then a one time102!!??

Been right on with humidity and temps this time and last (until today).

When I opened my non hatches from the other day I had chicks that had quit about a week before, so I got all the chicks that had developed. There were some early quiters and a couple that were clear, so I did get all the healthiest chicks

Not sure but think I had some clear BCMs here this time, but 2 or 3 would be great.

My little EEs are adorable. Gotta get a new pc or have this one fixed so I can get pics on here one of these days.

Contrats to all the new "Chickie Mamas" with the latest hatches. Hate the pics though. Everyone that I see I say "oooo I want that...oh I want that....."

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