May hatch-a-long

Heyyyy sooo my eggs just hatched wanna see some pictures???
Silly question!
i have a temp reader and i put it where ever the eggs sit in the incubator-still air bator- and almost the whole time the temp was at 99.0 and i keep moving the eggs and the temp reader to try and find the best heated spot and i finally found it at 102.0 but the whole time it has been at 99.0 and 100.0 is this ok
99.5 is the ideal temp, so you're pretty bang on.
They are off white eggs. We do see the black dot. We're going to continue to incubate them.
Hi Sydney, Abby and Ashlyn
What colour are your eggs?
Some eggs are harder to candle than others.
On my first attempt at incubating this year, I could see veins no problem. I'm on my 3rd incubation now. Same breed. I can't see veins. The shells are just a little denser. In that dark area do you see an even darker spot? If you do, chances are you've got a chick forming! If you do have that darker spot watch it really closely and you might even see it move!

Don't throw in the towel. Sometimes you just can't see anything. Keep the eggs going and see what happens.

There is no way to know if each egg is fertile. You can check an egg by cracking it open, but then you can't incubate it :( take a look at the yolk. You should see a faint white spot on it. If you look closely and you see a bullseye (a ring inside of a ring) that means it was fertile. So then you know that the rooster in the flock is able to fertilize. Unfortunately there's no guarantee that each and every egg that comes from his hens will be fertile.

I hope that this helps. Keep in touch and let us know how it's going.
So still have the brooder box of just hatched chicks in the kitchen and often find myself wondering by to take a peek. I feel bad for Tiny, my only bantam in the hatch, when he's up he's just as active as the bigger chicks eating and drinking just fine. But the poor little thing i don't know if its his size or what he always seems to need more rest and heat then the others. I'm realt going its just becuase he's a bantam. I mean he was #3 to hatch. The only other one seeming to need as much extra rest as Tiny is Slow poke who hatched last as #7 and almost a full 2 days behind Shelldon #1
Darn it, it didn't show up in the pictures. I really wanted to try to show you guys the subtle light different in a 2 day candling fertile vs not fertile. But on my camera they look the same. It's deffinatly one of those things you won't notice unless you candle every day or happen to have not a fertile and not fertile incubating.

Anyways to try to describe it these are light tan sebright bantam eggs. The non fertile eggs light up really yellow with a orangish mass the fetile eggs light up almost entirely orange as if the egg has been prescrambled in the shell. I'll try to get a another set and see if they turn out better.

Good new is it looks like I have 6 fertile sebright eggs of the 11 I started. Waiting till Tuesday (day 7) to confirm and toss

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