May hatch-a-long

These are the eggs. We are on the 12th day.


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We ordered our eggs off of eBay for 60 dollars for 12 eggs. Really hoping that they won't be DIS. Also, that's a lot out of our funds, we sell eggs and all but 60 dollars for no chicks. Plus they're very cute!
-Sydney and Zachari

I hope you get a good hatch. Shipped eggs are such a gamble. I've bought off eBay 4 times. I may still again but most of the time it was poor hatch rates. But the times I did ok I hatched upright in cartons. Definitely look into that when you lockdown your eggs.
Well Day 5 & I candled my duck eggs to check for fertility (100% there yay) and for fun I tried checking my turkey eggs, one is very light in colour and I saw a tiny little vein starting!!

That's so exciting. Remind me again how many duck eggs you've set? One day I'll try turkeys. Maybe next year.
Can I still join? Title say May hatchalong. ;)

I have 12 Black Copper Marans eggs that supposed to hatch May 3 or 4 but 7 days ago we discovered the incubator was never plugged in since I own half of the Brinsea incubator cost, a friend had it in her house and she forgot to plug it in. We candled yesterday and all 12 are viable 8 of hers were a dud, but probably hatching mid May, since day is so screwed up. We had great 100% hatching on this incubator, but human error? Ha ha not sure.

Now I set 7 eggs Tuesday on a new small incubator in our bedroom I bought last week (pricey booger... shhhh I didn’t tell the wife how much I pay for it) with some of our 2 wk old eggs. Boy didn’t realized this incubators wakes me up at night with humming sound of the fan and automatic egg turner every 45 min. Wife might kick me out with this incubator to the coop lol. With the kids cats I can’t place it anywhere without being knocked down, I dont go to laundry room, safest place .... our bedroom.
What do you have in your new incubator? More marans?
4 in at lock down. 2 EE, 1 Welsummer (I think) and 1 Bantam. The EE’s and Welsummer have external pipped, One of the EE’s pipped towards the narrow end so not sure if it will make it. The bantam was very small and I couldn’t tell if it was still alive, but I’m pretty sure it wont hatch because of small it seemed to be.

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