May Hatch-a-Long!

So this is probably a dumb question, but it's my first time doing this incubating stuff & still learning, but anyway, I have some eggs that I put in in cartons, they were shipped eggs so figured it would be best with those, how do you go about turning them in the cartons? I won't start until tomorrow I think, from what I've read, you should wait 2 days after putting them in? I put them in last night at 9:00.

So, what I usually do is put them pointy end down in their cartons. Then, I elevate one end with a brick or some such item. Like this:

So, it's just a slight rotation. Keep in a cool but not cold space and change the positions 3-4 times a day until you are ready to set them.

ps---it may seem trite, but I know it's true: there are no dumb questions here & there's always someone to answer! it's saved my behind more than once! x
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My rooster disappeared. This may sound crazy but my rooster disappeared, there are no signs of being killed are taking off by fox or hawk and he is also much too big for a hawk. What happened to him!?
My rooster disappeared. This may sound crazy but my rooster disappeared, there are no signs of being killed are taking off by fox or hawk and he is also much too big for a hawk. What happened to him!?

Sorry about him going missing, if there are no evident signs for a predator attack, have a look around. Even in the strangest places. I once had a silkie go missing, no signs of a predator attack. Guess where she was? Under a water bowl, that she tipped over. We only found her because something moved slightly under the bowl..

I hope you find him
My rooster disappeared. This may sound crazy but my rooster disappeared, there are no signs of being killed are taking off by fox or hawk and he is also much too big for a hawk. What happened to him!?

Believe it or not I just had this happen with my bantam naked neck cochin. She was stolen by the 2 legged predator...
So this is probably a dumb question, but it's my first time doing this incubating stuff & still learning, but anyway, I have some eggs that I put in in cartons, they were shipped eggs so figured it would be best with those, how do you go about turning them in the cartons? I won't start until tomorrow I think, from what I've read, you should wait 2 days after putting them in? I put them in last night at 9:00.

Liv showed a picture of turning eggs using a paperboard carton. I wanted to make sure you are using a plastic or styrofoam carton inside your incubator. I even went a step further and cut a hole in the bottoms of the egg cups of my egg carton so that air can flow more easily around the eggs. My egg carton holds 24 eggs and I wanted to be extra gentle with my shipped eggs, so I just gently tilt the egg from side to side inside its cup. I move some of the eggs in the center toward the outside some of the times I turn so the eggs get more "hen like treatment". There is a description of this tilting somewhere in Sally Sunshine's Incubation 101 sticky thread.
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I do have them in a styrofoam egg carton, but I didn't put any holes in the bottom or anything. I don't know if I should try to do that now that they have already been in there, or just leave it.
If you have a spare carton that you can prepare ahead of time, that you could easily switch your eggs to when you open the incubator to turn, then I would go for it. If not I suppose when you turn them they will get enough exposure.

Oh, and your question about time without turning-- yes, 2-3 days in the incubator on shipped eggs before you start turning.
Liv showed a picture of turning eggs using a paperboard carton. I wanted to make sure you are using a plastic or styrofoam carton inside your incubator. I even went a step further and cut a hole in the bottoms of the egg cups of my egg carton so that air can flow more easily around the eggs. My egg carton holds 24 eggs and I wanted to be extra gentle with my shipped eggs, so I just gently tilt the egg from side to side inside its cup. I move some of the eggs in the center toward the outside some of the times I turn so the eggs get more "hen like treatment". There is a description of this tilting somewhere in Sally Sunshine's Incubation 101 sticky thread.

yeah...that was basically because the question was asked and that carton was on my counter in that moment. when i get shipped eggs, i unpack them and put them in any carton in a cool place, doing that method of tilt turning for 24 hours before i set them.
Hi everyone looks like im back in a hatch a long. I said I wasn't going to hatch this year but just can't help it. I'm going to set my eggs May 1. I will be setting mix eggs and black sex links. Can't wait. Good luck everyone!

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