May Hatch-a-Long!

It looks like I have a lot of catch-up reading to do!
I've been looking for this hatch-along and for some odd reason it hasn't shown in where I was looking. Oh well. Here we are!

Since I made tentative plans to buy an incubator the 2nd or 3rd week of May, lots of my pullets (All New Broodies) have begun sitting on eggs! Go figure!

My girls are supposed to hatch in the following order:
Peaches and Chula (sisters, a yellow buff silkie and blue with partridge hackle/head silkie) are both brooding the same nest. Supposed hatch date=5-2.

Antonia (single brooder in the same coop) is a 2 toned silkie, with black head and blonde body with black and blue flecks. Hatch supposed to be 5-5.

In the next-door coop, Zuza (tiny yellow/cream silkie) and Story (enormous Buff Orpington) are brooding together. Supposed hatch date=5-9.

That's what we're doing at the moment.
It won't surprise me i n the least if someone else decides to go broody now that everyone is catching the bug!
It looks like I have a lot of catch-up reading to do!
I've been looking for this hatch-along and for some odd reason it hasn't shown in where I was looking. Oh well. Here we are!

Since I made tentative plans to buy an incubator the 2nd or 3rd week of May, lots of my pullets (All New Broodies) have begun sitting on eggs! Go figure!

My girls are supposed to hatch in the following order:
Peaches and Chula (sisters, a yellow buff silkie and blue with partridge hackle/head silkie) are both brooding the same nest. Supposed hatch date=5-2.

Antonia (single brooder in the same coop) is a 2 toned silkie, with black head and blonde body with black and blue flecks. Hatch supposed to be 5-5.

In the next-door coop, Zuza (tiny yellow/cream silkie) and Story (enormous Buff Orpington) are brooding together. Supposed hatch date=5-9.

That's what we're doing at the moment.
It won't surprise me i n the least if someone else decides to go broody now that everyone is catching the bug!

It took me a minute as well...the cinco de mayo hatch was the only one that came up for me. you're here now! that's all that matters! x
Hi Everyone!
I set 40 eggs on Easter. 35 of them were my Production Rhode Island Reds and 5 were Heritage Rhode Island Reds that I was really excited about!

When I candeled the eggs a week later I forgot to put the heat sensor back in the appropriate spot and for 13 hours they cooked at 108 degrees!!! Surprisingly 7 are still viable, but none of them were my Heritage's
They are suppose to hatch on May 7th.

The owner of the Heritage reds has agreed to sell me a dozen, so after this hatch I will set those and 28 of my own again. So I will be here until the end of May lol
It looks like I have a lot of catch-up reading to do! I've been looking for this hatch-along and for some odd reason it hasn't shown in where I was looking. Oh well. Here we are! Since I made tentative plans to buy an incubator the 2nd or 3rd week of May, lots of my pullets (All New Broodies) have begun sitting on eggs! Go figure!

My girls are supposed to hatch in the following order:
Peaches and Chula (sisters, a yellow buff silkie and blue with partridge hackle/head silkie) are both brooding the same nest. Supposed hatch date=5-2.

Antonia (single brooder in the same coop) is a 2 toned silkie, with black head and blonde body with black and blue flecks. Hatch supposed to be 5-5.

In the next-door coop, Zuza (tiny yellow/cream silkie) and Story (enormous Buff Orpington) are brooding together. Supposed hatch date=5-9.

That's what we're doing at the moment.
It won't surprise me i n the least if someone else decides to go broody now that everyone is catching the bug!
Great your here! Can't wait to see your babies
I have silkies and frizzle silkies I'm trying to hatch, it's my first time, so fingers crossed. Their shipped eggs on top of that,lol.
Hi Everyone!
I set 40 eggs on Easter. 35 of them were my Production Rhode Island Reds and 5 were Heritage Rhode Island Reds that I was really excited about!

When I candeled the eggs a week later I forgot to put the heat sensor back in the appropriate spot and for 13 hours they cooked at 108 degrees!!! Surprisingly 7 are still viable, but none of them were my Heritage's
They are suppose to hatch on May 7th.

The owner of the Heritage reds has agreed to sell me a dozen, so after this hatch I will set those and 28 of my own again. So I will be here until the end of May lol

Sorry to hear about your eggs
Hopefully the rest will do just fine
What kind of incubator are you using? This is my very first time hatching & im a nervous wreck that I'm not doing something right,lol. It's only day 3 for me, still have a ways to go! Good luck with the rest of your eggs!
I've got 17 days until hatch, so I'm in the May club.
This is my first time hatching and I must say, I feel like a mother hen!
Even with an automatic turner I'm going to the garage to check them ten times a day!! I candled them tonight and all looked very similar and the lighter eggs I could see veins! One very small egg wasn't as defined looking as the rest, but I'll check again in 5 days! Also have a broody Welsummer so hoping she hatches hers around the same time!

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