May Hatch-a-Long!

Ok I'm on day 3 when I got up this morning my temp went up to 102. I have a still air incubator so I know it's not that bad. I got it back down to 100 and had to go. When I got back home this afternoon it was back up to 102. Now I have it back to 100. I know you can't see much on day 3 but i candled anyway and I seen some blood rings. I know day 3 is a very important day for egg development and now Im worry I cooked my eggs. I really hope they are ok!
Ok I'm on day 3 when I got up this morning my temp went up to 102. I have a still air incubator so I know it's not that bad. I got it back down to 100 and had to go. When I got back home this afternoon it was back up to 102. Now I have it back to 100. I know you can't see much on day 3 but i candled anyway and I seen some blood rings. I know day 3 is a very important day for egg development and now Im worry I cooked my eggs. I really hope they are ok!

I hope they're ok!
I didn't know that day 3 is different. Can you explain what it is about day 3? I appreciate it. I love learning new things about this miraculous process!
I had a problem yesterday with Antonia and her eggs/her behavior.
I've typed this so many times and then erased it before posting...
I was checking on both nests (the chicks that hatched under Peaches and Chula--posted in the pic) and next to their nest is Antonia and her nest.
One egg was crushed on the side. I honestly thought I had done it. But I left it in there fr 3 1/2 hours to see if it was still viable considering the hatch was less than 24 hours away. Went back, egg was worse and chick was dead.
I decided I had to remove the remains to prevent bacteria growing and affecting the other eggs. I turned my back for a minute, returned to see Antonia pecking/crushing the side of another egg!
If I had another broody to accept those eggs I at least could consider it. But I knew yesterday and still know today that there's nothing I can think of to do. (I don;t have a back-up incubator). I'm posting about it so that if anyone else has experience with this sort of thing, I might get insight and options.

I used an extra cage side to cover the nest (not entirely but to give her more privacy). I filled water and feed dishes on the inside of the nest box that will be easy to refill without disturbing her too much.
By this time of day I'd usually have checked, fed, watered already...but I'm afraid of what I might find so I'm typing instead.
If anyone has suggestions, I'm open to all of them!
21 days officially completes at 11 a.m. today.
I'll update when I have any new info. Thanks!
I went down to remove the turner and start the lock down on my american gamefowl bantams this morning. I got three early surprises! Two black breasted reds and a dunn so far.
Just to follow my post from this a.m. about the egg breaking crazy broody...This morning right after posting, I checked--nt close enough to see if there were pips, but enough to see that all of the eggs under her are intact (thank God!) and she's much calmer.
I think I'm trying to be a chicken psychiatrist but I'm wondering what her problem was yesterday???
Could it be that the 2 eggs she crushed had "quit" late into the gestation?
Or...could the thunder storm that was brewing have upset her?
OR...I may never know.
I'm trying to butt out and only check her nest a few times per day...when I go in a 1/2 hour to replenish food and water again in both nests, I'll see how it's going.
She's an awesome and beautiful bird (which is why I was so shocked at her apparent violent behavior). I hope and pray that she gets to enjoy motherhood!

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