MAY Hatch-Along!!!! Let's do this!!!

And we have an external pip. Egg #10.
Come on, baby, Mama can't wait to meet you!

Edited to clarify - the egg *numbered* 10 (out of 1-10), not the tenth pip. :)
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It's so exciting! I think it might be starting to zip, but it's still all "closed" - all little pieces still attached, I mean, so I haven't seen inside it at all. I hope it's okay, being so early and all. This evening at 7pm was the end of the 25th day.

And the cheeping, oh the cheeping!
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It's so exciting! I think it might be starting to zip, but it's still all "closed" - all little pieces still attached, I mean, so I haven't seen inside it at all. I hope it's okay, being so early and all. This evening at 7pm was the end of the 25th day.

And the cheeping, oh the cheeping!
So do they go into lockdown on the 25th day or the 26th?
I'm not absolutely positive when lockdown "should" begin, but for me it started last night, the end of the 24th day (or technically the beginning of day 25 since I set my eggs so late in the day), because I had internal pipping in at least one or two of my eggs.
Mine go into lockdown today, nervous and excited at the same time! All 5 are moving, I'm a bit worried about one of the air sac's being too small but the other's are all a good size. It was the smallest of the eggs as well; it terms of egg size to air sac size that is, it does seem to be too small :(
We are down by two more this morning. The good news is the remaining 14 look great. I cracked the two we lost today to see what was going on and the membranes seemed really, really tough compared to chicken eggs. This is my first batch of ducks to hatch, so is that normal? If not, is there anything I can change in the incubator to fix the problem? My still air Hovabator is sitting right around 101* and 55% humidity right now.
We are down by two more this morning. The good news is the remaining 14 look great. I cracked the two we lost today to see what was going on and the membranes seemed really, really tough compared to chicken eggs. This is my first batch of ducks to hatch, so is that normal? If not, is there anything I can change in the incubator to fix the problem? My still air Hovabator is sitting right around 101* and 55% humidity right now.
Your lockdown humidity needs to be above 60%. They probably shrink wrapped.
Oh we aren't in lockdown yet. This is just day 13. I was planning to increase the humidity to 75% at lockdown, or do you think 60% would be better?
If your humidity has been running 55% the whole time I would drop it as low as possible til day 18. It should run around 40-45% until day 18 then 60-80% during lockdown.

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