MAY Hatch-Along!!!! Let's do this!!!

If your humidity has been running 55% the whole time I would drop it as low as possible til day 18. It should run around 40-45% until day 18 then 60-80% during lockdown.

I did my duck eggs around 55% humidity until lockdown - I think they need higher humidity than chicken eggs.
Mine go into lockdown today, nervous and excited at the same time! All 5 are moving, I'm a bit worried about one of the air sac's being too small but the other's are all a good size. It was the smallest of the eggs as well; it terms of egg size to air sac size that is, it does seem to be too small :(

Exciting! I hope they all hatch, including the one with the small air cell!
Two more pips...up to three now. One that internally pipped the night before last hasn't pipped yet, though. Come on, little ones!!!
I did my duck eggs around 55% humidity until lockdown - I think they need higher humidity than chicken eggs.
Mine is a mixed & staggered hatch, so I gotta keep my humidity as low as possible until I have active hatching going on. Mine has been running 35-40 & my ducks are doing better than my chicks.
Two more pips...up to three now. One that internally pipped the night before last hasn't pipped yet, though. Come on, little ones!!!


I did my duck eggs around 55% humidity until lockdown - I think they need higher humidity than chicken eggs.

That's what I thought too. Everything I read said anywhere between 55% and 75% for incubation, and from 75% up to 98% (yikes!) for hatching. We live in a pretty dry climate, so I had to tape a few of the holes in the top of my incubator just to keep the humidity at 55%. Why oh why is there so much conflicting information about hatching call ducks?!
Just an update. The two babies I thought were deformed with twisted neck and hunchback are now almost normal and i was thinking of putting them down! I researched and , found info that it could be a deficiency, plus to give them some time. I added ground up cat food and sesame seeds and some niacin to their starter and they are alot better. I do have one who is turning his foot in and splaying his hips apart and trying to find out how to splint him or hobble him if that is what he needs, seems the opposite of "splayed leg". As if you turned your elbows out and jput your hand inward.....
mominoz - So glad that those two seem to be doing much better! Yay!

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