May Hatch Thread--Fill up those bators n' broodies!

You know what I have learned?? The more I learn, the dumber I feel! And the more panicked I feel.
My 1st hatch I set 12 eggs and 11 hatched. I knew nothing. I borrowed an incubator from a friend, instructions were fill middle section with water. On day 18 stop turning eggs and fill 2 remaining sections with water and do not open till all chicks have hatched. Place thermometer on top of eggs, keep temp at 99.5. And that was it! I did open once a day for 5-10 mins which they suggested, it mocks the momma hen getting up to eat and drink. I did candle several times, but really didnt know what I was seeing. I didnt watch air cell, I didnt watch humidity, I didnt look for blood rings.
After I gained all my knowledge, I had 3 very crappy hatchings. I was pretty discouraged. But on Easter I decided to relax and go back to what I knew in the beginning. I set 10 eggs and all 10 hatched! Now I have 6 Polish frizzle I purchased in my incubator. I am TRYING to go back to my once calm, know very little, self. But it is really hard when you have $$$$$ invested in eggs. My Tolbunt eggs will be here tomorrow and they weren't cheap!!!!
I agree. Let them sit. The more you bother them the less chance to hatch! I had 14 out of 15 eggs viable on my first hatch and I kept candeling messing around and before I knew it only 6 hatched!
Posted this a while ago but seems to have gotten lost at the bottom of a page.
I can;t believe I got these eggs through the post randomly without even putting in an order??? I wonder if they are the missing Dorkings??? There is no details on the packing so I may never know???
Well the eggs are set. -

Temperature I think is a bit low but I hope will be fine it is sitting at 36.5 - 37.3 = 99 it is fluctuating and I can;t seem to get it to stay at 99.5? I am hoping it will be fine as others have mentioned a slight increase in temp when the eggs start to grow which will hopefully add that extra bump I need to get it up to 99.5 ???
Humidity at 35%What do you guys think?????
I am checking everything and hoping to have chicks not mush or lizards?

I use a wet towel when I need to boost the humidity. However, 45% should be enough for the incubation period. It's only during the hatch it needs to be higher.
. I agree don't know what bator you are using but 45% is the upper limit for the first 18 35-40% has givin me best results in my forced air machines with 60 - 65 being best for lock down
Posted this a while ago but seems to have gotten lost at the bottom of a page.
I can;t believe I got these eggs through the post randomly without even putting in an order??? I wonder if they are the missing Dorkings??? There is no details on the packing so I may never know???
Well the eggs are set. - :weee
Temperature I think is a bit low but I hope will be fine it is sitting at 36.5 - 37.3 = 99 it is fluctuating and I can;t seem to get it to stay at 99.5? I am hoping it will be fine as others have mentioned a slight increase in temp when the eggs start to grow which will hopefully add that extra bump I need to get it up to 99.5 ???
Humidity at 35%What do you guys think?????
I am checking everything and hoping to have chicks not mush or lizards?:celebrate

These could be the eggs of fate 100% hatch lol
Posted this a while ago but seems to have gotten lost at the bottom of a page.
I can;t believe I got these eggs through the post randomly without even putting in an order??? I wonder if they are the missing Dorkings??? There is no details on the packing so I may never know???
Well the eggs are set. -

Temperature I think is a bit low but I hope will be fine it is sitting at 36.5 - 37.3 = 99 it is fluctuating and I can;t seem to get it to stay at 99.5? I am hoping it will be fine as others have mentioned a slight increase in temp when the eggs start to grow which will hopefully add that extra bump I need to get it up to 99.5 ???
Humidity at 35%What do you guys think?????
I am checking everything and hoping to have chicks not mush or lizards?


Hi Oes,
Hoping you great luck this time.
I think your in good shape. the temp is going to change a bit after the eggs are in so I would not worry about the .5.
I went a little nuts and put everything in..............50 ? in a 42 inc...............going to candle today and toss clears...............
:thumbsup   I agree.  Let them sit.  The more you bother them the less chance to hatch!  I had 14 out of 15 eggs viable on my first hatch and I kept candeling messing around and before I knew it only 6 hatched!
amen ! Keep a daily log ( important ) temp hum and so on at hatch look at your percentage next set make the changes we all ( for some reason ) think we must do keep a log ,, check your percentage at hatch if less or more make a note after three or four runs look at the average ,,,, now you can look back and see what you did right and wrong and adjust for the best hatch rate ,,,,, works for me , just sayin

well 9;45 and the so called planned power outage has not happened,,,, i spent the better part of last night preparing for the worst with my high value American pure breed immigrant eggs set on day 4 here is a pic of my back up system
I'm excited to be starting 26 eggs as of last night! I have one welsummer hen who had a leg injury over the winter so I suspect her eggs aren't fertile. Tried some about 1 month ago and none panned out so I searched everywhere to order some chicks, with no luck. On a whim I checked craigslist and found someone about 10 minutes from me who is selling fertile eggs!

So last night I put in 24 of the eggs I bought, 1 from my hen just to see if she is fertile yet, and 1 cross Easter Egger with Blue Splash Marans.

I think that gives me a hatch date of the 24th/ 25th.

I'm so excited for the Welsummers!!

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