May WYGS Mystery Swap~ Closed

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BHep: 9505 5105 3147 3143 4200 11


OMGGGG Gosh...
From me and my family....this stuff is DELISH !!!! THANK YOU !!!!
I got my eggs from Learycow!
4 of the 12 were broken, pretty much smushed...
But that still leaves me with 8!!

So now my ?? is... What are they?!?!?!?!
Or do I have to wait for them to hatch to find out??
Let me know how they do. If the shipping was that rough on them and they don't make it I'd be happy to send more.

They are Anconas (black, blue, lilac, lavender variety), welsh harlequins, and cayugas
I got duck eggs!!!!! YEA!!!! Thank you....great shipping, only one cracked. What kind of ducks???? Inquiring minds want to know!!!! Can't wait, thanks so much!

Glad they made it ok! I got extra bubble wrap for all of the boxes I had going out last week so I hope that helped!

You have.... wait for it... more cayugas. Plus welsh harlequins and Anconas! (black, blue, lilac and lavender variety). And there may be a couple of mixes in there (welsh/ancona) as my drake escaped a week ago and helped himself to a few of my ancona ladies before i could catch him. But the majority should be pure babies.
OMGGGG Gosh...
From me and my family....this stuff is DELISH !!!! THANK YOU !!!!
Glad you like it! It is pretty sinful stuff... My brother and sister invented the recipe when they were kids just looking for an after school snack! My daughter made it for the county fair last year and won a trip to the state fair with it. She makes it better than I do...

Let me know how they do. If the shipping was that rough on them and they don't make it I'd be happy to send more.

They are Anconas (black, blue, lilac, lavender variety), welsh harlequins, and cayugas
Oh boy!!! I can't wait to see of they hatch!!! I'll put them in the bator today. I candled the rest and the air cells actually seem ok. None really scrambled anyway, so we'll see...
Received my eggs from BHep yesterday. All arrived intact. None broken. Thank you for all the extras. Are all of them Seremas?
My eggs came today, all 100%! Great packaging too!

So, I know we aren't supposed to ask and if you want to keep it a surprise that's ok (I love surprises) but what should I be looking forward to?!!!
Wow they got there fast! Ok the light brown ones are Jersey Giant blue roo over black hens, now the others are Jersey Giant (blue) over golden buff. I have a roo of this cross and he is so pretty, a slate blue and red I will get a pick of him he is only 12 weeks. I have got to make aprons for the girls because the roo is stripping them of all their feathers. We had a black roo, a year old almost but a barred rock roo killed him and three JG hens I hated that roo! Let me know what happens. I hope you don't mind some big chickens because one of my hens is almost as big as the roo, tall wise only the roo is a foot wide at least!

Glad you like it! It is pretty sinful stuff... My brother and sister invented the recipe when they were kids just looking for an after school snack! My daughter made it for the county fair last year and won a trip to the state fair with it. She makes it better than I do...

Oh boy!!! I can't wait to see of they hatch!!! I'll put them in the bator today. I candled the rest and the air cells actually seem ok. None really scrambled anyway, so we'll see...
Well tell us what is it?
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